Ukrainian War Developments

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This guy is clearly a fraud. Since when does the Ukrainian army give foreign soldiers condos to live in? Is he claiming fighting in an army is a 9-5 job, where he can drive up to the front line in the morning everyday?
Also his behaviour and mannerism are off. Every soldier who's seen combat in this conflict looks traumatised, including people who've been to Iraq/Afghanistan. He's laughing and joking, acting like he hasn't left Canada. Everything he says is probably things other people have told him.

He's some kind of war tourist and a poser.
maybe a manufactured hero or legend for a morale boost.
Ooh this war legend has joined our fight if he went it must mean we are winning.


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Been waiting for them to pull this move, finally. Hopefully this would stabilize their ruble currency.
I just realized, EU wouldn't have/have enough rubles to buy those gas. Could the next step be allowing selling of Gold for rubles? The finance folks I follow in twitter all seems to think Russia would back their currency with gold, allowing convertibility.


Registered Member
So i saw this claim here :

I wonder how apparently a container on the ground can suddenly be interpreted as the claim said ? I mean how they identify that ?

This is Krasuha command post. It supposedly to deploy like this.

View attachment 85800

It doesnt need removal from the carrier vehicle and even if such are desired.. the Generator set would also be together with the container. and the image shows no sign of the generator. and no sign of the hydraulic jacks/stabilizer etc.

I'm kinda think the container is some sort of logistical in purpose, maybe a refigeration unit. Or someting else.
Yes, there doesn't to be anything related to the operation of the jacks visible on the front.

Then, there is the fact we keep seeing the exact same picture. Until we see one of the interior, chances are it's just a freezer built on the same container structure


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In fact I'm most surprised and annoyed that some seem to rate this a legal war! No war like this is legal or justified.

Well, I believe this war is justified, even though I hoped it wouldn't happen. I can explain my reasoning, very simply, by putting you in Russia's position: Imagine that you get cornered in a dark alley, by a clear enemy, who leaves you no exit.

What will you do in this situation, from a tactical perspective?

The correct tactical move in this situation, is for you to strike first. This is a perfectly valid defensive action. You can't wait for your enemy to throw the first blow when you are cornered.

Granted, if you find yourself in this situation, it's a failure of situational awareness on your part. Nevertheless, if you do get stuck here, then you have the right to respond with pre-emptive force.

I apply this principle equally and fairly to everyone. I even grant my enemies this right. This is why I think Israel (whose political existence I don't even recognize) was justified (from a purely tactical perspective) in its 1967 pre-emptive attack. By the way, it's also the same reason that China intervened in Korea. Anyone who is cornered is justified in pre-emptively attacking first as a defensive measure.

So that's why I think this war is justified, even though I was hoping it wouldn't happen.


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The Russian pranksters have released more teasers from their talk with the UK Defence minister.

One is about NATO, which confirms that the UK had been working with the Ukrainian military on the ground for the past 5 years. Not really news because we knew about the US "Stay behind" policy as justification for NATO involvement in the Ukraine.

The second one the defence minister confirms that he's happy for UK citizens to travel to the Ukraine to fight. He even calls one person who left an idiot. It's currently against the law to fight against a country the UK isn't at war with, so he's effectively condoning people breaking the law.

He'll be in big trouble for this.

The next video release will be the full video, although I think they've already given the best parts. They also got Priti Patel who is an Israeli agent working for the UK government. I wonder what she says.
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