Ukrainian War Developments

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Looks like the Russian airstrikes are getting the job done. Bombing the weapons depots is creating weapons shortages. Plus with all the fighting they must be burning through ammo at a crazy rate. The situation in the east is going to get more and more precarious in the next few weeks. Plus any military aid Ukraine gets is stuck in the west where they get bombed.


I just think we are doing the same to Russia as what we did to the US after it invaded Iraq. because of this consistency, we are not really giving Russia any special rights.
Details. China had no power to sanction or impose consequences on the US when Bush started his wars; no country did. But with regards to self preservation, China did what it could to condemn America's actions. This time, with self-preservation in mind, China is doing what we can to support Russia. Simply refusing the pressure to sanction Russia is immense in this case. Unfortunately, we cannot completely cancel out Europe's effects and make it such that Russia and the US suffer the same consequences for starting war, but we are doing our best, will continue to do our best, and we should be driven by that lasting unfairness to build a more powerful China that can do more to help our allies.
I personally don't think China is supporting Russia. China is against all military alliances (as a principle. doesn't mean China won't enter alliance). so China against NATO expansion is not for Russia per se. China is strictly neutral. But the west treat this neutrality as picking a side because it does mean a lifeline for Russia in practice. I think intentionally supporting Russia vs unintentionally helping Russia is very different. and I think at least the Russians understand this even if the west doesn't appreciate it. I would characterize this difference as what China is doing is higher on durability (as it's based on principle of self-determination) and lower on scope (how much China will actually benefit Russia)
China is strictly neutral??? China has time and again internationally voiced that Russia's concerns were not heeded, thus the start of the conflict. China blames NATO and Ukraine for this conflict. China basically blames the country that got attacked instead of the attacker; that's support and you have to really sit down and think how you can make that argument credible. China doesn't support Russia with guns blazing consequences be damned, but with self-preservation, China is supporting Russia economically, and it probably does so in other covert ways as well.


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Oh well. Ukraine is a goner

Ukraine was already gone. If NATOs job is to prevent war from carrying on to the next country, calling Putin a war criminal and announcing to the world that you're planning on assassinating him aren't very helpful.

Russia has warned Latvia officially for a second time now:
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Comment by Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova on the arrest of internet blogger Kirill Fedorov in Latvia​

We are indignant at yet another glaring violation of fundamental human rights in Latvia where a well-known internet blogger was arrested for his assessment of Russia’s special military operation in Ukraine.
Riga is once again demonstrating that it does not really care about its international commitments to freedom of speech and access to information.
Unfortunately, our repeated appeals to European human rights organisations receive little response. We are convinced that they have long determined their position. They remain silent over human rights excesses in the Baltics while they look for excuses to criticise other countries, the number of which is very limited due to political inclinations.
We demand the immediate release of independent analyst Kirill Fedorov and an end to this kind of lawlessness. The journalism community must be free to express its views.
Do it Putin. Biden bombed Serbia and then called you a murderer, are you going to take that?


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Stoltenberg was railing against China moments ago and they are foing to discuss about China in tomorrows NATO meeting and apparently will demand China to condemn Russia.I wouldn't be surprised if they threaten China with sanctions... if Russia falls China will be next on the list.
Dumb and Dumber. Stoltenberg should get a hard on since he's about to join a financial institution for his next gig to destroy.

reservior dogs

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In fact I can only strongly contradict. There is no good and bad, fine and evil either West or East. Both sides similar to powers since ages compete on influence, power and whatever by any political means be that "bribery, corruption, CIA or FSB penetration, etc ..." That was always that way and will always be the same as long humans exist. The point however is that there is nothing like a certain countries backyard, where Russia has the right to dominate the will of a certain country and its peoples in the same way there is a right to say this is the "US' backyard". No one has the right to write roles for another independent country.

What however happens is a rivalry and as such an offer what system the peoples better like regardless if this is done by any political means be that again "bribery, corruption, CIA or FSB penetration, etc ...". What however is illegal, that this "writing of rules" for a foreign, independent and sovereign country is done by war and here it indeed does not matter if this is done by Russia, the USA or any one else.

In fact I'm most surprised and annoyed that some seem to rate this a legal war! No war like this is legal or justified.
I am sympathetic to your sentiment. We can say what the world should be, but must deal with what the world is. Within a country, what you said is true. No matter how strong a person, he does not get to pick on the weak. Well, to an extend that is somewhat true. This is because the state has a monopoly on violence and laws which it use this violence to enforce. Between countries, however, there is no such thing and each country does what it can based on how much power it has. If you look at all countries in the world, with no exceptions, they all would not mind violating the sovereignty of another country when their interest is at stake. Morality or rules does not enter into the picture at all. Well, when it is in these countries interest, they talk a good game about morality and rules, but the same countries will be very happy to violate them when it suit their interest. This is how the world works and we must deal with the world as is, not as we like it to be.


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In fact I can only strongly contradict. There is no good and bad, fine and evil either West or East. Both sides similar to powers since ages compete on influence, power and whatever by any political means be that "bribery, corruption, CIA or FSB penetration, etc ..." That was always that way and will always be the same as long humans exist. The point however is that there is nothing like a certain countries backyard, where Russia has the right to dominate the will of a certain country and its peoples in the same way there is a right to say this is the "US' backyard". No one has the right to write roles for another independent country.

What however happens is a rivalry and as such an offer what system the peoples better like regardless if this is done by any political means be that again "bribery, corruption, CIA or FSB penetration, etc ...". What however is illegal, that this "writing of rules" for a foreign, independent and sovereign country is done by war and here it indeed does not matter if this is done by Russia, the USA or any one else.

In fact I'm most surprised and annoyed that some seem to rate this a legal war! No war like this is legal or justified.
Would you have the same view of China and Taiwan?
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