Ukrainian War Developments

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Just don't take claims or news from both sides in face value and spread them in social media without applying common sense. and always be ready when people actually ask about the news.

We live at time where people can choose the "truth" they wish to believe.


Registered Member
Yes, looks like a refrigerator container.

Same Photo with a brighter lighting to see the inner.
View attachment 85788
How could anyone in the right set of mind think it is an advanced command center ?

Command centers never stacked onto container ships twenty container deep, and this is seemingly designed for that.

Most likelly if thes show the other side that showing an average container.


Registered Member
We live at time where people can choose the "truth" they wish to believe.
Ukrainians can believe in Ghost of Kiev all they want. In reality they are becoming a second Syria/Afghanistan.

Elect a clown, expect a circus. They drank the democrazy, freedum, sovereignty, NATO, Russia weak kool-aid and as a result their country will become a rubble.

I imagine that Middle Eastern people might be feeling quite a schadenfreude right now. Lets not forget that Ukraine sent troops in Afghanistan and Iraq. I would say it is a perfect Karma. They contributed to the destruction of these 2 countries and as a result their own country is now getting demolished.


Junior Member
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I am not sure about 1945 Finland. but current Finland is of no interest to Russia. there is no logic to compare Finland with Ukraine.
Russia gravitates towards South. You can see the wealthy Russians connection to Israel. Russians buying real estate in Turkey.
Enormous cost to develop Sochi and Anapa. than you can add Crimea and its infrastructure. Southern and Eastern Ukraine comes in same category but added benefit of resources. Ukraine hasnt offered much resistance except for holed up in the cities.
credit is given to people of south with clear identity.
You completely miss the point. The comparison is not between Finland and Ukraine as countries today.
The comparison is between a victorious USSR in the Continuation War (to use the Finnish name) against Finland
and a supposedly (or hypothetically) victorious Russia in the current war against Ukraine.

My point is that even Stalin did not press for the maximum war aim of conquering Finland and adding it to the USSR.
Even if Russia prevails in the current war, Putin may be prudent enough not to aim to conquer all Ukraine.
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