Ukrainian War Developments

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I think reaching Dnieppe river was and still is the real military objective of Russian forces currently operating in Ukraine, NOT taking the entirety of Ukraine.

From an earlier post:
I’m convinced that the Russians have no clue as to what they’re doing, now! Attacking cities when military commands, networks, installations, bases, and formations should have been the primary objectives, with individual units having (possessing) [edit] mission threatening capabilities, such as dispersed anti-air batteries being secondary. Whichever units holed-up in the cities could have been dealt with after the threats in the field were neutralized.

I could argue that the reasons why Russia attacking cities is mainly to make the UAF in the cities to be pre-occupied and not giving them the slightest gap to redeploy those forces station at the city at their own flanks, so just mainly probing and "terror" attacks

james smith esq

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I think reaching Dnieppe river was and still is the real military objective of Russian forces currently operating in Ukraine, NOT taking the entirety of Ukraine.

I could argue that the reasons why Russia attacking cities is mainly to make the UAF in the cities to be pre-occupied and not giving them the slightest gap to redeploy those forces station at the city at their own flanks, so just mainly probing and "terror" attacks
All they’d need to do is seal them off; no need for active offensive action.


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I think most analytics just underestimate how hard it is to break 40 millions country with at least 200k thousands troops(and twice bigger by the size than Vietnam for example). Ukraine was in top 10 of arms exporters for a long time, had received massive supply of arms from NATO countries for 7 years. Has extensive Soviet era air defense network(and not export bs, but actual Soviet for inner consumption). It is probably one of the most militarized countries in Europe with exception to Russia and Turkey.

That Russia manage already to get hold on whole South and quite close to restoring full DNR/LNR territory without inflicting massive civilian losses and leveling down population centers(only Mariupol had seen extensive damage, and it is not even close to anything like Chechnya, Iraq or Syria) are quite massive achievement. And it is really unlikely that Russia has plans to actually capture and hold after war anything else, because it is pointless economically. And all this is done by 200k troops from standing army without even using partial mobilization even of volunteers.

IMHO after taking DNR/LNR territories and South, Russia would just blackmail Kiev into accepting negotiations terms by threat of capital. With East part of Ukrainian forces collapsing, it would be hard to say NO.

Which is why trying to control the entire country is a fool's errant. A more limited goal is doable, eliminate main Ukraine forces in the east, taking control and expand DNR/LNR territories, force Kyiv to capitulate.


The Capitalist
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How can they be exposed if they’re fortified in civilian areas? I didn’t advocate carpet-bombing cities (I don’t think the Russian should be in the cities, at all) I was referring to the “exposed” armies that you, yourself represented. I might have been up all night, but I can still read and remember, now.

So are you saying that the Ukrainian armies are exposed while fortified in the cities, or are you using “exposed“ in a figurative sense?
Exposed as in , surrounded, cut off, wholly within range of Russian guns, no meaningful air defense, probably jammed and so unable to communicate and co-ordinate, unable to reinforce, unable to re-supply, unable to maneuver and unable to retreat...


Registered Member
Yeah, the Ukrainan militry separated to small pockets, and hunted down by the most experienced Russian military units one by one.

They fininsh Mariupol, after the units at Donestk, after Kherson, kiev and step by step they obliterate the Ukrainan military units.

At what point of time the Ukrainan Army officers realise that they just lining up to the slaughterhouse ?

Say the Russians obliterate 30 000 Ukrainan soldier, the leftower 100 000 will queue with big red marks on the head to "shoot here " ?

At what point of time the Ukrainan will realise that they are REALLY figth till the last soldier for the USA interest ?


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Russia fires hypersonic missiles in Ukraine​

Moscow has deployed Kinzhal missiles for the first time since the start of its military operation

The Russian military has said it used its state-of-the-art Kinzhal hypersonic missiles to destroy an arms depot near the city of Ivano-Frankivsk in western Ukraine.

The strike with the air-launched missile system took place on Friday, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said during a briefing.

It targeted “a large underground depot of missiles and aerial munitions of the Ukrainian forces” in the village of Deliatyn, he added.
Kinzhal, which means ‘dagger’ in English, was used by the Russian military for the first time since the start of the Ukrainian conflict on February 24.

Those munitions are said to be able to penetrate any existing air defenses by traveling at a whopping speed of up to Mach 10 and constantly maneuvering during their flight
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Kinzhal missiles are carried by MiG-31K supersonic interceptor aircraft, which NATO calls ‘Foxhound’.

The hardware is one of several hypersonic systems prepared for the country’s military in recent years, together with the Avangard glider, which is fitted on silo-based ICBMs, and Zircon (Tsirkon) missiles, developed for the navy.

Moscow sent its troops into Ukraine last month following a seven-year standoff over Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the breakaway Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it was planning to retake the two republics by force.

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