Ukrainian War Developments

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Russian hackers have created a deepfake version of Zelensky asking soldiers to surrender and uploaded it to a Ukrainian news site. People have been talking about this threat for years, but I think this is the first time it's been deployed.

Can't comment on how the voice/accent sounds but the visual looks ok to me. Maybe it could convince a Ukrainian who was cut off from the outside world?
It's completely obvious it isn't him. The transition from the neck to the head is jarring. 2/10 work on it.


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Ukraine cannot give up Odessa. Otherwise they would not have any access to the black sea anymore. And Ukraine needs a sea port to export their goods (wheat / steel) and import some goods (Chemicals, machinery), although Belarus and Russia are the two most important trading partners. Loosing Odessa would be a price Ukraine cannot pay.
Landlocked states function fine as they have a legal right to access seaports of neighbouring countries as if they were home ports.

But you're right, they only way they would agree to this would be a complete surrender.

james smith esq

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I understand that this is off topic but I can't let your bad argument, as well as incorrect assumptions slide.

"Literal Canadians" aren't long dead as you claimed. They're settled in various "First Nations Tribal reserve lands" all over Canada so they are still around albeit at a very reduced population.

Secondly, your observation and perspective is purely anecdotal and are of limited exposure unless you have spent a decade or more living in Canada, and not just staying in one major cities (Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver). While you are certainly entitled to have your own opinion, and perception people who have been or are living in Canada have the right to correct your impressions that are essentially based on historical ignorance, the ethnic make up of the country as a whole. You should accept to be corrected or modify your opinion as well as your incorrect assumptions, but no, you like to stick to your truth no matter how incorrect.
As such, we may bestow upon him the title of ”Honorary ‘Murican”!
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They will not give up Odessa, they will lose Odessa... When Mariopol fall it will be Odessa turn. Ukraine need to put a lot of honey on the negociation table to pull that off. A lot.
What makes you so confident that Russia will actually risk greatly overextending its supply lines by taking Odesa?
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