Ukrainian War Developments

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Paulo R Siqueira

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DPR units are advancing rapidly deep into the city, cutting through the enemy. The defences of the AFU and nationalist units are disorganised and overall leadership is lost. AFU units are forced to retreat, reducing their line of defence. There are reports of heavy losses on the part of the AFU. There is a lot of abandoned military equipment, weapons and ammunition. The advancing DPR units are also suffering losses.
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Russian Black Sea Fleet ships are supporting the operation to take Mariupol with fire.
Local residents help the DPR forces by pointing out locations and firing positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
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Against this backdrop, panic videos from members of nationalist units in Mariupol started pouring into the media space calling on everyone to shout that Mariupol is Ukraine and that the DPR and Russian Federation must urgently stop an attack on Mariupol.
Listen, because you need to understand the situation and act. Remind us about Mariupol. Shout about it. Because we don’t want to be heroes and martyrs posthumously.
The members of the nationalist battalions are well aware that they have little chance of surviving if they encounter DNR servicemen from Mariupol and its suburbs or being captured by locals. Their actions in the city have put them in an almost hopeless position.
The video below shows the deputy commander of the Azov nationalist regiment calling on Ukrainian citizens to save them.
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In all likelihood, the fighting for Mariupol will last no more than two days. After that, a large-scale operation is expected to encircle the Ukrainian eastern front in Donbass. An additional contingent of the Russian Defence Ministry is being sent from Russia for this purpose. There are reports of a massive movement of military equipment in central Russia.

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Russia says parts of a Ukraine compromise deal are close


  • Ukraine neutrality being discussed - Lavrov
  • Non-NATO security guarantee being discussed
  • Some parts of compromise close to being agreed
  • Rights of Russian speakers also a key issue
  • The euro extended gains on Lavrov's comments
March 16 (Reuters) - Russia said on Wednesday that some parts of a possible peace deal with Ukraine were close to being agreed after Kyiv agreed to discuss neutrality, raising hopes of an end to the biggest war in Europe since World War Two.

"Neutral status is now being seriously discussed along, of course, with security guarantees," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said told RBC news.
"Now this very thing is being discussed in negotiations - there are absolutely specific formulations which in my view are close to agreement," Lavrov said.

He said that President Vladimir Putin had spoken about neutrality, along with security guarantees for Ukraine without NATO enlargement, as one possible variant in February.

The euro extended gains after Lavrov's comments and was up 0.4% to $ 1.1005.

Lavrov cautioned that the negotiations were not easy but that there was "some hope of reaching a compromise".

Ukraine has also made cautious positive statements on peace talks. It says it is willing to negotiate to the end the war, but will not surrender or accept Russian ultimatums.

Lavrov said key issues included the security of people in eastern Ukraine, the demilitarisation of Ukraine and the rights of Russian-speaking people in Ukraine.

Announcing the invasion on Feb. 24, Putin blamed the United States for threatening Russia by enlarging the NATO military alliance eastwards into Russia's backyard.

Putin said there was no option but to launch the military operation because Russian-speaking people in Ukraine had been subjected to genocide by "nationalists and neo-Nazis" since Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea.
The headline is of this article is misleading and so is much of the rest of it. It gives the impression that the Ukrainians are starting to compromise, and that Russians are satisfied.

Knowing the amount of animosity on both sides I doubted that but I thought I'd check from an official Russian source. TASS is pretty much the only one for me that isn't blocked or DDOSed right now.

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The Russians actually seem to be complaining about the lack of progress, but they're not giving up on them.
"The talks are hard and slow-going. Of course, we would like them to proceed much faster. It is Russia’s sincere wish. We want to achieve peace as soon as possible," Medinsky said.

It's the way of the western world now. Politicians will lie that and pretend they're doing a good job and the media will spin any story to backs that up. It all works great until the last minute when like when Taliban turned up outside Kabul and the whole narrative collapsed.

Bill Blazo

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The Russian advance is quite slow right now, don't know if they wan't to settle this with peace talks, but it's a lot of loss for a few concessions if Russia don't gain more ground. They had even force to deal with at the start and they are not against farmers. Don't know if we will know all the truth either.
Yeah it is. At this point if the Russians want much more they need to either throw more troops into Ukraine, or they need to rapidly capture Mariupol, which could free up to 10,000 troops for operations on the eastern front designed to trap the Ukrainians in the Donbas.


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have you guys watched this interview? Petraeus was very negative on Russia from strategy to fighting capabilities to logistics. could Petraeus be right?

McArthur once said: "victory has no substitute!"

let's see if Putin can win it.
I largely agree with his assessment of the Ukrainian Military. I am not so surprised overall. After all, the Ukrainians have effective anti-armour weaponry and drones, and much of the fighting is urban and semi-urban. If Russia had undertaken a much more cautious advance initially with its ground forces and done much more probing in the first week of the war, it would not have suffered such heavy casualties as it did. Now, one is seeing that Russia is attempting to replicate in significant part, especially with regards to its approach around Ukrainian cities, its tactics and methods that it used in Chechnya and Grozny in multiple cities across Ukraine.
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