Ukrainian War Developments

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Dude, you have literal Canadians telling you, from experience, that he looks like an average Quebecois. Where are you from anyways? We should be getting back to topic.
Bangladesh. There is no such thing as "literal canadians", they are long dead.
From my experience canadis dont look like that. Thats what i said. If they believe they do its their matter. I tried to get back to topic long ago. Its the "oh no ,candians look like this" people who are obsessed with that.
If they believe the poster guy looks canadi thats fine. To me he doesnt. End of discussion.

And its not a "dude" :rolleyes::rolleyes:


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An update from the Reddit Rambo Battalion:
They've already devolved to internet drama. If they're this disorderly when they only have to move supplies in and out of a warehouse I can't imagine they're going to put up much of a struggle when the Russians turn up.

As a reminder, these guys are UK/US ex soldiers who've done at least one tour and they're behaving like teenage girls on instagram.
Oh, it's a hell of a lot better than just e-drama. Check out the second video where he talks about a second base within 30 kilometers of the base Russia struck. Russia, if you're listening, draw a 30 km circle around the base you hit and see if you can find anything interesting along that circle.


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View attachment 85318
View attachment 85319

Captured US-made PSRL-1 in Mariupol. Its an American clone of the RPG-7, designed and manufactured by AirTronic USA. Supplied to Ukraine since 2017.

American weapons makers, both big and small are profiting from Ukraine. According to South Front, these were apparently sold to Ukraine at a price of $5,454.75 per unit. According to open-sourced information, an original RPG-7 costs around $500 - $2000 for the launcher, and around $100 - $500 for the rocket. Taking the highest estimate of $2500 for a full set of RPG-7 launcher and rocket. Ukraine is paying more than double the price for each PSRL-1. Granted, the PSRL-1 is an improvement over the original RPG-7. But does the price tag justifies those improvement? They are essentially identical in application on the battlefield.

Funny. When the US clones a Soviet-era weaponry, its never called an American knock off junk. In America's case, their knock-off is even more expensive than the original.
I think it uses composites to make it a kg lighter. Is a kg worth $3000 for a Ukrainian, no it's not. But for a navy seal deployed from a billion dollar submarine, using million dollar vehicle with million dollar satellite support the extra $3000 is worth a kg of extra gear.


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Russia says parts of a Ukraine compromise deal are close


  • Ukraine neutrality being discussed - Lavrov
  • Non-NATO security guarantee being discussed
  • Some parts of compromise close to being agreed
  • Rights of Russian speakers also a key issue
  • The euro extended gains on Lavrov's comments
March 16 (Reuters) - Russia said on Wednesday that some parts of a possible peace deal with Ukraine were close to being agreed after Kyiv agreed to discuss neutrality, raising hopes of an end to the biggest war in Europe since World War Two.

"Neutral status is now being seriously discussed along, of course, with security guarantees," Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said told RBC news.
"Now this very thing is being discussed in negotiations - there are absolutely specific formulations which in my view are close to agreement," Lavrov said.

He said that President Vladimir Putin had spoken about neutrality, along with security guarantees for Ukraine without NATO enlargement, as one possible variant in February.

The euro extended gains after Lavrov's comments and was up 0.4% to $ 1.1005.

Lavrov cautioned that the negotiations were not easy but that there was "some hope of reaching a compromise".

Ukraine has also made cautious positive statements on peace talks. It says it is willing to negotiate to the end the war, but will not surrender or accept Russian ultimatums.

Lavrov said key issues included the security of people in eastern Ukraine, the demilitarisation of Ukraine and the rights of Russian-speaking people in Ukraine.

Announcing the invasion on Feb. 24, Putin blamed the United States for threatening Russia by enlarging the NATO military alliance eastwards into Russia's backyard.

Putin said there was no option but to launch the military operation because Russian-speaking people in Ukraine had been subjected to genocide by "nationalists and neo-Nazis" since Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea.


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The Russian advance is quite slow right now, don't know if they wan't to settle this with peace talks, but it's a lot of loss for a few concessions if Russia don't gain more ground. They had even force to deal with at the start and they are not against farmers. Don't know if we will know all the truth either.
Research on Grozny, and even for the Americans and those in the West that are poorly informed and slating Russia's efforts to capture a heavily armed and well defended city, research Fallujah... Urban fighting is not a piece of cake...


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The Russian advance is quite slow right now, don't know if they wan't to settle this with peace talks, but it's a lot of loss for a few concessions if Russia don't gain more ground. They had even force to deal with at the start and they are not against farmers. Don't know if we will know all the truth either.
Ukrainian forces have been trained and equipped by US/NATO since 2015 nonstop until present day! A military being prepared for joining NATO, and for fighting war against Russian force.

Ukraine is over 600,000 km2, the second largest country in Europe by land area (after Russia); bigger than France, Belgium and Holland together; ; or bigger than Syria & Iraq.

Ukraine forces are using the HUMAN SHIELDS in urban warfare, and Russian force can't simply bomb them out like the US/NATO campaign in Iraq or Yugoslavia/Serbia.

Watch the IRAQ Bombing here to get some idea when you have the flexibility to bomb a city as you wish... all Collateral Damages are acceptable!

Read this good information from a very experienced war reporter, more than 35 years...


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