Ukrainian War Developments

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Junior Member
The Russians don't need an Armoured Brigade from North Korea, but Russia could use a lot more infantry for urban combat in Ukraine.

North Korea does have a huge infantry force, so they could easily spare a few divisions at a time. They could do with some combat experience and Russia is probably offering decent money. Alternatively, Russia might supply oil or fertiliser since they have a lot to spare now.

And it's not like the US can impose any more sanctions on North Korea.

Could you imagine 50,000 North Korean soldiers deployed in Ukraine?
The only reason this haven't happened must be that Russia feels to proud or that the want to be brotherly with Ukraine. The Syrian fighters are more of a joke than actual useful.

Russia have so much NK needs like oil, food, steel or nuclear/missile tech. Maybe get 200k soldiers in exchange for being under Russian nuclear umbrella.

But Russians logistical problem seems real so China probably need to send some supply trucks to feed all the Koreans.


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If they keep a devastated, land locked, west part of Ukraine without theyr nuclear power plant and access to the dnieper irrigation it will be a win ?

Practically choked to death...

The ideal condition is for them to kick Russian out. Or hold long enough until western sanction has their intended impact and Russian softened up.

West always believe on their USD superiority and somehow will think Russians will revolt.


Registered Member
Some of the mercenaries accounts are finally coming through:
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So this guy:

Signs a contract to serve in a nation's military.
Disobeys an order virtually straight away.
Deserts in a time of war.
Disguises himself as a red cross humanitarian worker to cross the border into Poland (a war crime)
Then talks shit about the army and country he signed up to fight and posts it on the internet.

Do western soldiers have no morals at all?
If he's still in Poland he needs to be arrested and sent straight back across the border for court martialling.


Registered Member
What has the great George Friedman of STRATFOR fame managed to forecast where he even came close of being correct. The analysis of the war can't be measured or properly analyzed in it's entirety while the war still rages on. Tactical success does not equal or amount to achieving strategic victory. When he (Friedman) talks about China having "many economic problems" he made it seem like China is on the verge of an economic decline with rising inflation; not to mention a total debt of $30 Trillion USD. Oh that's the U.S.A. am describing.

It remains to be seen where the U.S. and China going to end up in the geopolitical power play. The U.S. has indeed given China a preview of what may come forth against her if, and when Taiwan conflict ignites. But be that as it may, I don't think people like yourself along with Friedman are prepared to live below your means as much as the Chinese people period. China is prepared to let the world burn when it comes to taking back what it's morally, rightfully, historically, and dutifully hers to begin with. America and the rest of the collective west are trying to usurp and pluck a piece of China that never belonged to you at any point of history.
A world without China isn't really a world worth living in, is it?

What really is life without Chinese food, after all?


Registered Member
Some of the mercenaries accounts are finally coming through:
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So this guy:

Signs a contract to serve in a nation's military.
Disobeys an order virtually straight away.
Deserts in a time of war.
Disguises himself as a red cross humanitarian worker to cross the border into Poland (a war crime)
Then talks shit about the army and country he signed up to fight and posts it on the internet.

Do western soldiers have no morals at all?
If he's still in Poland he needs to be arrested and sent straight back across the border for court martialling.
More of this, please. MOAR!!!


Registered Member
Well, I was joking about the Armored Brigade; it would take too long for that to be transported. Supposedly, NK has the largest Special Forces in the world. Maybe slip ~ten Battalions behind the Ukrainian lines along the Donbas front?

Ten North Korean battalions is decidedly unambitious.
And since the Russian and NK military aren't used to working with each other, best to give the North Koreans their own area of operations or use them to secure supply routes instead for example.


So suppose Russia and North Korea come to a deal.

Each North Korean soldier is paid the equivalent of $1000 per month in local currency, which is a fortune in North Korea.
And North Korea can easily allow up to 50,000 soldiers to volunteer without any material impact to its own readiness.

That works out to $50 Million per month which is peanuts for Russia, especially since Russia now has spare oil exports.
So the Russians pay the North Korean government with oil. Then the North Korean government pays the soldiers in local currency.

You would see an economic boom in North Korea because their exports have [doubled or tripled]? overnight.
At the same time, the North Korean military will see a significant boost because they now have the fuel to operate and supply their Army.

Given the current situation, I don't see any downsides for either Russia or North Korea.


Looks like Russia is paying $2100 per month for Ukraine

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james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
A world without China isn't really a world worth living in, is it?

What really is life without Chinese food, after all?
Oh oh! Now you’ve started it; the Fried Chicken War! I’ve read that Fried Chicken is a Chinese invention, yet others claim it as a “native” dish. Let’s all fight over who invented Fried Chicken!

Damn, now I’m hungry!

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
Ten North Korean battalions is decidedly unambitious.
And since the Russian and NK military aren't used to working with each other, best to give the North Koreans their own area of operations or use them to secure supply routes instead for example.
I was only referring to a portion of the whole.
Are the Russians operating in the Ukrainian rear in Donbas?
Otherwise, you’re doing a nice job of developing my idea! ;) LOL!
Atomicfrog also suggested offering MiG-29s; I think they might settle for MiG-23s!
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