Ukrainian War Developments

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A British mercenary who joined the Georgian Territorial Defense Legion complains about the huge losses among the British and Americans as a result of the strike on their base, as well as the attitude of the Ukrainians towards them: they wanted to be sent to Kyiv with only 10 rounds of ammunition for machine guns. As a result, he and his comrades returned to Poland, although not without problems at the border.

Intel Slava Z - 16 March 2022 [VIDEO]
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American and British mercenaries are running away from the front lines in Ukraine — Ukrainians are cutting up their passports and sending them back to the front lines with no weapons and no kit.

ASB Military News - 16 March 2022 [VIDEO]
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He eventually managed to cross the border to Poland by hiding in the Red Cross van
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A British mercenary who joined the Georgian Territorial Defense Legion complains about the huge losses among the British and Americans as a result of the strike on their base, as well as the attitude of the Ukrainians towards them: they wanted to be sent to Kyiv with only 10 rounds of ammunition for machine guns. As a result, he and his comrades returned to Poland, although not without problems at the border.

Intel Slava Z - 16 March 2022 [VIDEO]
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Western warmongers crying after being on the receiving end of airstrikes.

Jingle Bells

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Actually, you should be very thoughtful with this sentence. Because the Russians are not seen as liberators but as attackers.
That statement is certainly politically correct and "correct" (by its wordings). But it is also a meaningless statement. It is the typical garbage information that's been constantly fed to the consumers of Western media like how McD's and KFC's are fed to them. Similar examples are everywhere, for example: "the UN votes shows that the whole world is against Russia".

Such things are not technically wrong. But in reality, it is details that matter.

In the case of "the UN votes shows that the whole world is against Russia", for example, the pushers of this impression shows the number of nations who voted against Russia's position versus the number of nation voted for Russia's position to be 141:5, and call it an overwhelming outcry against Russia. But if you look at the number, you will see that the 35 countries that abstain from the vote, represent half of human population. And the countries that voted against Russia's position are all Western countries and countries that is heavily under US influence. They are also very fragmented.

The truth is, everyone knows that this is a Russian invasion of a globally recognized sovereign nation. Therefore, for countries that contains half of human population to abstain from voting, would be a clear indication that they DO NOT even support "deploring Russian action and calling for Russian withdrawals". This UN resolution is already very very weakly worded, and yet half of humanity refuse to join in the action. But somehow, the Western Media can spin this into some kind of a huge diplomatic defeat for Russia.

The same thing goes for what you're saying. True that "Russians are not seen as liberators but as attackers" by some in Ukraine. But what really matters is just how many of them hold this view, and where they are located geographically. In fact, even if the absolute number of people in Ukraine holding this view vastly outweighs those who don't, if they are not even distributed geographically, if they can NOT represent the overwhelming majority in every corner, every city of Ukraine, then the places where they are NOT majority, will simply be chipped off.


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A British mercenary who joined the Georgian Territorial Defense Legion complains about the huge losses among the British and Americans as a result of the strike on their base, as well as the attitude of the Ukrainians towards them: they wanted to be sent to Kyiv with only 10 rounds of ammunition for machine guns. As a result, he and his comrades returned to Poland, although not without problems at the border.

Intel Slava Z - 16 March 2022 [VIDEO]
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American and British mercenaries are running away from the front lines in Ukraine — Ukrainians are cutting up their passports and sending them back to the front lines with no weapons and no kit.

ASB Military News - 16 March 2022 [VIDEO]
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He eventually managed to cross the border to Poland by hiding in the Red Cross van
We have another fact regarding mercenaries in Ukraine.

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The South Korean newspaper "Joseon Ilbo" reports on the misadventures in Ukraine of the same South Korean mercenary Lee Geun-an insta and YouTube blogger, former captain of the South Korean Navy's special forces and his group. After arriving in Kiev, he felt a threat to his life due to the violent fighting and tried to evacuate to Poland, but he was not allowed to enter the territory of this country by the Polish border guards, who announced the illegal presence of South Koreans on the territory of Ukraine. Now the fire is out somewhere in the Lviv region and he asks the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs to help him and his group return to their homeland. Earlier, colleagues from the Korea Light Korea channel reported that the South Korean authorities reacted unequivocally to his act - they refused the guy and warned him about the risks. He ignored them, after which it was reported that Lee Geun and his entire team would be deprived of Korean citizenship if they didn't return home.


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Zelensky didn’t rock NATO’s foundation, The US using NATO to serve its own hegemonic interesting while leaving the rest of the NATO the primary recipient of potentially heightened nuclear threat from Russia is and will continue to rock NATO foundation.

A unspoken consideration for why Germany suddenly went all militaristic is undoubtedly not just the notional threat from a militarily aggressive russia, which honestly has not increased, but a fundamental realization that the security interests of eastern and western europe are not the same and Germany snd France may need to not rely on any NATO driven by the interests of the US and sensibilities of eastern european members.
The Western Europeans, most of the original European NATO states, not including the British, clearly have different interests within NATO and vis a vis Russia than Eastern European countries and the United States. Poland and Lithuania have long had the two most virulently anti-Russian governments in Europe.
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