Ukraine Revolt/Civil War News, Reports, Data, etc.


Surprise, the Dutch circulation bank owns more gold than I thought. From Zero Hedge:
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Gold Repatriation Stunner: Dutch Central Bank Secretly Withdrew 122 Tons Of Gold From The New York Fed
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 11/21/2014 - 08:25

A week ago, we penned "The Real Reason Why Germany Halted Its Gold Repatriation From The NY Fed", in which we got, for the first time ever, an admission by an official source, namely the bank that knows everything that takes place in Germany - Deutsche Bank - what the real reason was for Germany's gold repatriation halt after procuring a meager 5 tons from the NY Fed. Some took offense with this pointing out, correctly, that the gold held at the NY Fed in deposit form for foreign institutions had continued to decline into 2014 even despite the alleged German halt. Well, today we finally know the answer: it wasn't Germany who was secretly withdrawing gold from the NYFed, contrary to what it had publicly disclosed. It was the Netherlands. Why did the DNB decided it was time to cut its gold held at the NY Fed by 122 tons? "It is no longer wise to keep half of our gold in one part of the world," a DNB spokesman said.


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21 November, 2014

Russia preparing new package of documents for MH17 crash probe

Russia is preparing a new package of documents for the Netherlands’ commission investigating the crash of the Malaysia Airlines MH17 flight. The package will be sent in response for the commission’s request, RIA Novosti quoted deputy head of the Russian Federal Air Transport Agency (Rosaviatsia) Oleg Storchevoy as saying. “Everything that we have available and that could help in investigating the crash, we are ready to hand over – and we are doing this - to the Netherlands,” he said.


You don't say!! :D
Chinese money saved Russia's economy from imploding after foreign attacks. China prefers to do the Walking.

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Trade is, in the end, mutually beneficial. China needs the energy, Russia needs the money.

China's recognition of the Crimean referendum, on the other hand, does not directly benefit itself, and may even be detrimental to its own separatism issues.


Junior Member
Despite that, China was willing to stand besides Russia when it matters.

That's why Russia was wrong to look West earlier.

Saker's article ended with this prophecy which would end China's own fears of separatism.

"However the joint policy of reversing the effects of the Maidan coup is going to be done incrementally, step by step, for many reasons of which China's concerns about Taiwan are just one. "

Trade is, in the end, mutually beneficial. China needs the energy, Russia needs the money.

China's recognition of the Crimean referendum, on the other hand, does not directly benefit itself, and may even be detrimental to its own separatism issues.
Last edited:


Junior Member
Google Translated:

"Graham Phillips reported that DNR army freed from most of the villages APU Sands, from whose territory the APU are shelling Donetsk."

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The Saker comments on US, Canada and Ukraine voting against a UN resolution to condemn the heroisation of Nazism:
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Saturday, November 22, 2014

The US, Canada and the Ukraine refuse to condemn the heroization of Nazism

It is often argued whether the Ukrainian junta is Nazi or not. I would strongly argue that even though Poroshenko did not come out, make a Nazi salute and declare "I am a Nazi" all the signs point to the conclusion that the regime in Kiev has its ideological roots in the Nazi past. The latest example of that "filiation" can be found in this absolutely amazing event last week: only three countries - the US, Canada and the Ukraine voted against a UN Resolution condemning the heroization of Nazism. The EU was not much better: it abstained. This development is so crazy, so insane, that it is important to have access to the original document which was voted on.

Here is the full text of the Resolution:

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Here is the official voting record:

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To me, this is disgusting beyond belief. Here we have two countries who try to positions themselves as the most pro-Israeli on the planet (the US and Canada) and the EU which has even passed laws making not only Nazi propaganda illegal, but jailing those who would dare investigate the mass murder of Jews by the Nazis (the so-called 'Holocaust'). And yet these putatively anti-Nazi and "democratic" countries are now refusing to condemn the heroization of Nazism not so much because they particularly like Nazis, but because they want to "protect" the Ukrainian junta. As for the Ukrainians themselves, they have suffered more from Nazis then any other country or ethnic group, and yet they also refused to condemn the heroization of Nazism. This makes a mockery not only of all their so-called principles and values, it also is an act of obscene disrespect for the millions of Ukrainian murdered by the Nazis. There is one good thing about all this: it shows clearly and unequivocally how much the western elites truly hate Russia and that this hate clearly trumps any other considerations or values.

Russian disgust

For the past few days, or weeks, really, I have seen more and more signs of total Russian disgust with the West. If, in the past, Russian diplomats and politicians were mostly trying to sound polite, now they are openly expressing their disgust. For example, they are now openly saying the Europe does not have a foreign policy or an opinion, that Europe is just a subservient colony of the US. As for the US, the Russians are now openly saying that this entire Ukrainian crisis was just a pretext and that the US are really out there to submit Russia. Putin said that openly last week, adding that nobody had every succeeded in subduing Russia and neither would the USA. This goes further than words, Russia has already announced that she was going to boycott the 2016 Summit on Nuclear Security. This became known when the Russian informed the other members of this Summit that Russia would not participate in its preparatory work.

Sergei Lavrov also made a remarkable speech today, but since the pathetic website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs does not even bother providing a translation on the same day, we will have to wait before I can post it here.

The Saker
Posted by VINEYARDSAKER: at 20:14 No comments:


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​US, Canada & Ukraine vote against Russia’s anti-Nazism resolution at UN

Published time: November 22, 2014 07:59
Edited time: November 22, 2014 12:31

UN General Assembly’s Third Committee passed a Russia-proposed resolution condemning attempts to glorify Nazism ideology and denial of German Nazi war crimes. The US, Canada and Ukraine were the only countries to vote against it.

The resolution was passed on Friday by the committee, which is tasked with tackling social and humanitarian issues and human rights abuses, by 115 votes against three, with 55 nations abstaining, Tass news agency reported.

The document voiced concern over the rise of racism-driven crimes around the world and the influence that parties with extremist agendas are gaining.

It called for a universal adoption of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. Many nations including the US, the UK, China and India, signed the convention but did not recognize a mechanism resolving individual complaints it establishes, which makes the convention unenforceable in their jurisdictions.

The resolution also decried attempts to whitewash Nazi collaborators by depicting them as fighters of nationalist resistance movements and honoring them as such.

It condemned any form of denial of Nazi war crimes, including the Jewish Holocaust.

Russia, which submitted the draft resolution, said it regretted that it could not be adopted anonymously.

“The fact that the US, Canada and Ukraine voted against, while delegations from EU member states abstained in the vote on this draft resolution, which was supported by an overwhelming majority of the UN member states, is extremely regrettable,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“Ukraine’s position is particularly dispiriting and alarming. One can hardly understand how a country, the people of which suffered their full share of the horrors of Nazism and contributed significantly to our common victory against it, can vote against a resolution condemning its glorification,” the ministry said.

Moscow proposes similar documents to the UN General Assembly annually, but the US and Canada have consistently voted against them. Ukraine is a new nation among the opponents, as in previous years it has abstained.

Kiev’s representative at the session, Andrey Tsymbalyuk, said that while Ukraine did condemn Nazism and neo-Nazism, it could not endorse the Russian resolution, because it suffered not only from Nazism, but also from Stalinism in the past.

“As long as Stalinism and neo-Stalinism are not condemned as strongly as Nazism, neo-Nazism and other forms of hatred, Ukraine would not be able to back this document,” the diplomat said.

The resolution is to be formally adopted by the UN General Assembly as a body in December.