Typhoon Haiyan Disaster in the Philippines


Re: World News Thread & Breaking News!!

No I don't. Do you understand the meaning of the word *DONATION*??

A nation with three trillion dollars international reserve donating $100k is laughable, but believe whatever you want.

So it's tens of thousands now? Last time I checked, "10,000" was an overestimate. The death toll is currently around 2500. While that figure is likely to spike, as it usually does in these kinds of situations, as it currently stands, no credible source is claiming tens of thousands.

Sadly, when the counting is done, there will probably be much more than 10k deaths. I hope it's closer to the 2500 so far, but I fear it will be far more.

According to your logic, donating $100k USD + material relief = not caring about innocent people suffering?

So tell us, Blackstone, how much have *YOU* donated? That amount better be over $100K or else you're just a heartless bastard yourself.
Humm... comparing one lone US citizen with the Middle Kingdom? I humbly admit defeat. I bow to my ancestors in Beijing.

Answer me honestly, aren't YOU embarrassed by the low dollar amount CCP offered? Don't you wish the CCP gave more than, say Japan, Australia, and Taiwan Province?


So you're basically saying that any wealthy nation should be expected to help themselves while poor nations should expect other people to help them.

What are you, some kind of communist? :rolleyes:

Solars, I had socialist ideals in college, but became a Republican after I married and had children.

China isn't rich by Western and Japan per capita standards, but she is far more wealthy than the Philippines and should put aside her differences with them in times of emergency.


Junior Member
First of all, China did a tremendous job helping herself and didn't need anyone else. That's not a surprise since the CCP was taken to the woodshed over previous natural disasters for poor performance. Second, nations all over the world offered China help; the fact China didn't need them speaks well to her own abilities as she resumes her traditional place atop of Asia/the world. Finally, had China need help, she would have received it from people all over the world, starting from the good old USA![/QUOTE]

US helped China during Sichuan Earthquake $500,000.
Is this appropriate? Didn't they miss the opportunity to show good will?


A nation with three trillion dollars international reserve donating $100k is laughable, but believe whatever you want.

Sadly, when the counting is done, there will probably be much more than 10k deaths. I hope it's closer to the 2500 so far, but I fear it will be far more.

Humm... comparing one lone US citizen with the Middle Kingdom? I humbly admit defeat. I bow to my ancestors in Beijing.

Answer me honestly, aren't YOU embarrassed by the low dollar amount CCP offered? Don't you wish the CCP gave more than, say Japan, Australia, and Taiwan Province?

Back in the Wenchuan Earthquake, people criticized Yao Ming for only donating about 500k RMB. The basis of their criticism was that Yao Ming was making so much money and 500k yuan was nothing to him. They cited examples of farmers donating 2000 yuan, the equivalent of one month of their salary, and holding that as an example of generosity.

I will always remember one response from an anonymous forumite:
I make no money at all, and I donated 10 yuan. I must be the most generous person in the universe!

As for being laughable, why is it that you're not laughing at the USA for donating only $100k during Washi? Is it because you didn't even know about Washi and don't want to let that fact inconvenience you in your China-bashing?

Honestly no, I don't wish the CCP gave more than Japan, Australia or whoever. Instead, I wish that the Filippino people had a competent government so they are not dependent on foreign aid in times on disaster, so that disaster relief can proceed in an orderly fashion instead of people being crushed to death in a rampage for the nearest rice store.

Solars, I had socialist ideals in college, but became a Republican after I married and had children.

China isn't rich by Western and Japan per capita standards, but she is far more wealthy than the Philippines and should put aside her differences with them in times of emergency.

Again, I point to Confucius: Repay kindness with kindness, repay injury with righteousness. Giving $100k + material relief is the humanitarian thing to do, but China is under no obligation to be generous to Philippines.


The Punisher
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Stop the country bashing and all the racist comments that have been thrown around! This is a thread about a natural disaster!


Any claim to the moral high ground was relinquished by Blackstone when he repeatedly used the term 'chicom' as a derogatory racial slur.
ChiCom as a political term not racial. I'm an American of Chinese ancestry (father from Beijing). You could cuss me for knocking the Red Mandarins. Guilty.

I find the behaviour of Blackstone and his like in the western media who are using this tragic disaster as an excuse to bash China pretty damn offensive tbh. Instead of showing any compassion for the suffering of the victims, they appear more interested in using that suffering to attack China with.
China claims Great Power status, so it's correct to hold her to her own claims. Even you wanted Xi Jinping to do more.

All of Blackstone's bile filled rants have done nothing but derail the thread and take the focus away from the actual victims of this tragedy.
Actually, you have a good point and it's noted. I'll ease up on criticizing the CCP for embarrassing low assistance and urge actions more befitting a great power (that China is) instead.

China was hit by Haiyan as well, and that will be where China's leaders' main focus will be at present, and that is only right. Tools in the western media will go out of their way to spin anything China does in the most negative possible light. China can deploy its navy and send all her search and rescue teams to the Philippines and those same haters whining about Chinese donations now would turn right around and say look at how desperate for approval China's leaders are and how little they care about the Chinese people that they would send all those specialists abroad before looking after the needs of their own people back home blah blah blah.
If there were dead Chinese bodies floating in towns, the world would respond with offers of aid. China used to need it, but not so much now. It's a good thing.

Personally, I think President Xi should have telephoned and offered to deploy the PLAN.
Right you are. I actually expected something like that early on, but was deeply disappointed to not see it happen.

On a side note, I remember stories about the Peace Ark making port calls near Aden not long ago. Does anyone know if she is even back in China ready for deployment to the Philipines?
The Peace Ark should sail ASAP for the Philippines, with lots of food, water, disaster relief personnel, and money. It's a great opportunity to show the world how the Middle Kingdom can benefit humanity, I hope the Mandarins in Beijing don't screw it up.


Lieutenant General
Ok, let's stop with all the off topic nonsense Blackstone has started as that can go on forever.

Did a little checking and I was right. The Peace Ark was deployed on 118-day goodwill mission to delivery free medical treatment to foreign countries on 10th of June this year.

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While the ship should have been back in China by mid October, I'm not sure if 3-4 weeks is enough time to have made her ready for redeployment again, especially since this was a surprise natural disaster so its not like the PLAN would have had much notice that they needed the Peace Ark for a quick turnaround as soon as she was back.

After such a long deployment, I would not at all be surprised if her crew were all off home on leave when Haiyan struck.

This is basic stuff I managed to find out after a few minutes searching on the web. It just goes to show how little fact checking the mainstream media bothers with before launching into attacks on China.


Junior Member
Stop the country bashing and all the racist comments that have been thrown around! This is a thread about a natural disaster!

Agree. As long as all countries help, leave the judgment to their own people and history. We should tell media the same thing, don't politicize natural disaster. When we help, we help the victim. We don't feel better because we help more than others. In that case, we are not helping the victims, we are helping ourselves.
Focus on the person that you are trying to help, instead of on yourself or others' perception of you.
Everybody has enough problem inside their country, no need to add new ones.


My apologies to anyone I may have offended with the term "ChiCom." There's no question the CCP is 'Communist' in name only these days. Leninist, yes, but not Communist.

Back to typhoon Haiyan and hopes that CCP will do more with their vast resources to help Filipinos in need.


Tyrant King
It is disappointing that the Xi government is only offering such a small sum, given the sear devastation.i also find it difficult to understand the way the went on the defense when pointed out.
on that I point out the PLA relief effort got a jump as the PLA was part of the UN peacekeeping mission to Haiti. Second a nation does not offer assistance and expect something in return.

the US offer also seems on the small side, however she is offering a resource that is worth well more than the financial donations. The USS George Washington and her task force offers sweet water, food, fuel, one if the best hospitals money can buy, aircraft for search and rescue, her air control systems that offer navigational assistance and Marines who are more than happy to turn in there M16A4 and grab a shovel. Marines who also can be used for law enforcement and food distribution.