Philippines is being hypocritical here. Malaysia have the same problems with the Philippines in the Spartly. However, all the incidents are not in the spotlight, mainly, because the Philippines chose to downplay it. You see, Malaysia is not China, so Philippines cannot play the "victim" in the international scene. It is to Philippines' advantage to put the spotlight to incidents involving China while putting a blind eye to incidents involving Malaysia and Indonesia. They even had some incidents with the Vietnamese but always kept a lid on it.
Yes, I agree with you that Taiwan( Republic of China) had the first and longest claim to the islands. By virtue of the international community recognizing that there is only one China, then mainland China should assume as the legal claimant. All other countries started claiming the islands much later. During the fall of Saigon, Vietnam aggressively occupied some of the Spratly which provoked Philippines to destroy Chinese and Vietnamese survey markers and occupy a few of the island. Malaysia followed suit in the early 80's and have destroyed and replaced a lot of Filipino and Vietnamese markers. Brunei lay her claims in the 2000's.
How do the countries involved handle this? Malaysia chose a diplomatic/ win win approach. The Philippines as usual, being a Westerner trapped in an Asian body, chose the confrontational/ zero sum gain approach. While the Philippines is still in the mist of a brawl, Malaysia is already sharing the revenues of joint oil ventures with China. Oil revenues already represent 40% of Malaysian government's source of fund. Filipinos knows that their democracy is dysfunctional and their politicians are mostly predatory and corrupt, but yet subscribe to their unrealistic approach. I really wonder what will the Philippines get once all the oil are gone.
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