Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion


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The information on the 076 LHD is from another people, but his account has been deleted.
The information on the existence of YJ21 is also from that people not pop3.
Maybe they mix the two people together.


Also, related to my most recent post in the Chinese shipbuilding industry thread - @伏尔戈星图 on Weibo seems to indicate that the 1st 076 LHD unit has began construction at the new HZ site on Changxin Island.

If this is indeed anywhere close to factual, considering that the concrete pouring work of the new HZ drydock has just been completed barely more than a month ago, then that's really damn fast...

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The original source is publicly availabe satellite imagery via eg Sentinel. I dont think its just a shadow, theres definitely something in there. But same as Deino I dont think its a military structure. The most recent one has it seemingly sit in two halves.

Maybe its a Typhoon replica for an amusement park. (this is a joke)
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Anything from @伏尔戈星图 needs to be heavily cross-checked and filtered. While he does post interesting tidbits from primary sources, his interpretations of them are often questionable. We now have official confirmation the 'mystery' ship taking shape in Hudong's new facility on Changxing Island is in fact an LNG carrier.



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Anything from @伏尔戈星图 needs to be heavily cross-checked and filtered. While he does post interesting tidbits from primary sources, his interpretations of them are often questionable. We now have official confirmation the 'mystery' ship taking shape in Hudong's new facility on Changxing Island is in fact an LNG carrier.


Apparently @伏尔戈星图 has become like this cat, especially with his recent quarrelling with other military bloggers on Weibo regarding CV-18 Fujian's flight deck design and arrangements.

He has become like "唯我独尊" and (we have the feeling that) because he had read through many research papers, he felt that himself is smarter than the ship designers and engineers working on CV-18 Fujian.

So, perhaps indeed.
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Lieutenant General
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Anything from @伏尔戈星图 needs to be heavily cross-checked and filtered. While he does post interesting tidbits from primary sources, his interpretations of them are often questionable. We now have official confirmation the 'mystery' ship taking shape in Hudong's new facility on Changxing Island is in fact an LNG carrier.


We are speaking about this one?



Lieutenant General
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Yes, that's the one.

Thanks … since on Twitter some still try to find excuses, explanations and even argue this isn‘t the same ship at all.

As such, we can return back to START concerning our watch for the first 076.


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