Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion


Registered Member
This is because China is using DC systems which it has a very good grasp on and US is using AC. This is just what I'm told from people in industry but if true, it would make the Chinese EMALS better because it's more reliable.
One could say "something is easy" when you have it operational.
For all US troubles, they do.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
No, it wouldn't have changed much even if the US lifted sanctions on China back then. The issue was the system and economic policy the country had adopted under Mao which favoured only a state run collectivisation system and forbid and even criminalised any private initiative. All policies which led to widespread inefficiencies, poverty and even famines.
Actually there were famines in other countries nearby China around the same time as well. For whatever reason those don't get mentioned. That was part of the reason why China stopped getting technical aid from the Soviet Union in the first place. They used to pay for the Soviet aid with food exports, but as the harvest collapsed, that became impractical. Hence the subsequent emphasis on self-reliance and the Great Leap Forward which was supposed to rely on native resources. Well we know how well that went.
During Mao there were at least three kinds of economic systems. A mixed economy system, the state run system, and the Great Leap Forward style economics.


Registered Member
The tsunami of western money starting in the 90s is absolutely what sent China's development into overdrive. There's no reason for Chinese patriots to deny this. You need to stand on a giant's shoulders to rise.

On the other hand, the Chinese people have shown mind blowing tenacity and determination to advance their country at hyper speed and scale. They deserve immense credit and recognition for this. This is the western fan boys' blind spot.

Many often forget that brain rot runs deep and hard on all sides of the aisle.
Very little Western money made it into China, actually. Claiming otherwise is just being factually wrong. The initial investment was from the industrialized Asian countries. They outsourced their export business to the mainland China. The most known example even today is Foxconn. The West was important as a market and for technology imports. Even during the 00 when China's economy was export driven and most of the said export was by foreign-financed businesses, the Americans didn't own much in China.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General

Scan from Xiandai Jianchuan of 076's notional air wing

Now THAT is what we call a deck layout even although its just a scan

but such a warship will need Z-18J + Z-18F for AEW and ASW and also in the Amphibious assault configuration say 6-8 x Z-8L Naval versions to carry marines for air assault all on their landing spots with rotors on and ready

the real game changer would be the UCAV GJ-11J which would act as the fast fighter jet cover

and lets not forget the well deck with the Type 726 LCAC

twin islands means the air operations can be separated from the warship operations providing a optimised platform

and the large size means it can be operated in many different configurations even simultaneously

I can see this working along with escorts or part of a fully fledged Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) with Type 075 LHD + Type 071 LPD

in which I would add

Type 076 LHA air component
Type 075 LHD rotary
Type 071 LPD landing components

these are big ticket items so either 2-3 x Type 052DL for cover or maybe 1-2 x Type 055 along with a SSN for escorts


Junior Member
Registered Member
Very little Western money made it into China, actually. Claiming otherwise is just being factually wrong. The initial investment was from the industrialized Asian countries. They outsourced their export business to the mainland China. The most known example even today is Foxconn. The West was important as a market and for technology imports. Even during the 00 when China's economy was export driven and most of the said export was by foreign-financed businesses, the Americans didn't own much in China.
It appears there's a disconnect here. "Western money" refers to the west buying Chinese products which is money coming into China and boosting China's economy. No one's talking about ownership. So weird anyone's disputing an extremely benign comment. END OT.