Type 076 LHD/LHA discussion


Staff member
Super Moderator
I decided to bypass DeepSeek and asked Copilot AI Bot -

Me : "Can you suggest acronyms for large landing assault ship equiped with welldeck, catapult launching system, and carry helicopters, drones and manned aircraft?"

Copilot : "Of course! Here are some acronym suggestions for a large landing assault ship equipped with a well deck, catapult launching system, and capable of carrying helicopters, drones, and manned aircraft:
  1. CLAWED: Catapult Launch Assault Well Deck ship
  2. WECHARD: Well Equipped for Catapult Helicopter, Aircraft, and Drone operations
  3. WARDCAT: Well Assault Ready with Drone, Catapult, Aircraft, and Transport
  4. LWATCH: Landing Well-deck Assault Transport with Catapult, Helicopters
  5. CHAWED: Catapult, Helicopter, Aircraft, Well Deck
Let me know if any of these catch your eye, or if you'd like to tweak them further!"

LOL!! Copilot is funny.

Why is it WECHARD? Shouldn’t it be WECHAD?


Two more nice magazine scans.



Ship launched GJ-11 — a fantasy made real.

View attachment 144799
The 3 red lines following the tail of GJ-11 is certaintly a Chinese character 川 which is part of the name for 四川 Sichuan.

PLANS Sichuan pennant number 51 is tentatively the lead ship will be. Though we need affirmative comfirmation when the pennant number is painted or an official announcement to be made.

asif iqbal

Lieutenant General
other than GJ-11 UCAV what other kind of aircraft can the EMALS from Type 076 LHA launch ?

also do we have any evidence of arrestor wires ? if so how many ?