But where are the flags, the confetti-ball and all this stuff?
Probably yet to be installed at the time the picture was taken, because they typically only install those immediately in the day or so leading up to launch.
That's why I asked, given that these images are - maybe just for me - not that "Self-explanatory" when everyone's expecting an imminent launch!
But where are the flags, the confetti-ball and all this stuff?
"Imminent" doesn't necessarily mean "within a day" though.
To me, it means "within a few days" which means that it is very reasonable for there to be no confetti ball or flags installed, if the picture was not taken within a day of the actual launch day.
Also, we don't know specifically how long ago those pictures were taken. If it was taken a few days prior to the more recently posted pictures but only released now, it would also make sense where there is no confetti ball or flags visible.
Patience, my friend.
I mean "imminent" by what some say on social media regardless if this happens today or tomorrow, so yes ...
Patience!!???I need all my patience in the meantime, to focus on CAC and the "thing" there...
Patience!!???I need all my patience in the meantime, to focus on CAC and the "thing" there...