The more I look into fighter AESA radars in the last few days, the more I'm convinced that "If" can be dropped.If Murad-100A has 150km range against 1m2 RCS target
Temel Kotil wasn't BS-ing when he said that Hürjets radar (and its missiles) will reach 200km...
Aselsan has achieved some wonders with their GaN based TRMs. They packed 16 of them together in a single tile based square, with ~6.5cm sides at 2.5cm2 for every TRM (~2897cm2 / 1152TRM)
LKF601E reaches 170km against 'fighter size' aircraft meaning most likely 5m2 RCS, on par with APG-80 but with 864 TRM at a surface area of 2800cm2 (60*60cm array size official spec, 53*53cm aperture my calculation) meaning 3.2cm2 for every TRM (at said 53*53cm).
Hürjet Murad radar reaches the same result with up to 28% smaller aperture but with a TRM count of ~800.
This means a 200km range for hypothetical Murad-Hürjet for a 10m2 RCS target, ~115km vs 1m2 with a TRM count of ~800 at ~2000cm2 aperture size at a TRM density of 1 per 2.5cm2
Time will tell how many blocks of TRM they are going to fit in Hurjets nose. 800 TRM divides nicely in 50 blocks of 16 each...