Sorry, I was having a busy day so I just copy pasted it. Next time I'll reference you for the translation.
But tbh the original poster is the Twitter user who found it first and isn't this what we forum-dwellers do anyway? You and I also do quotations from Defencehub. We just convey it from one another, that's how it works. Still, if you really want; I'll give you the credit next time.
Also, this conversation is off-topic so we should probably get this deleted and stay on topic.
- SST tweeting a highly important quote from Haluks twitter account
- Me looking for the source finding it's from an article in a Turkish magazine
- Waiting for more info to arrive, no one gives a thing
- Visit said magazine only to find Turks/residents in Turkiye can buy it
- Wake up to someone posting more info from the article on SPF which came from an anon twitter account
- Post said info here with reference to the account because no else did and as he was the source
- Me waiting entire day for more info to come out
- Search for own way how to access said article, find a magazinesite that offers it for $$
- Buy it, scan it for more info, translate it and compile it.
- Make a nice summary of the most important points and post it here, be the first in the entire internet to do so despite millions of Turkish defence fans
- Someone copy-pastes my summary to the teeth -no problem- without referencing me-problem
- I proceed to complain about it
- Get gaslighted for it....
You could've just said "Was in a hurry, sorry and thanks for the effort

" but no you had to rub it in my face. Goes to show what kind of person you are as you can't differentiate and appreciate between news spread freely and widely and news which was obscure and took some (personal) effort to uncover it.
And you had the audacity to gaslight me before that:
It is innately hard to follow a topic when you constantly need to use translation; I know that feeling so I'm not laughing at you, I just find what you're saying unlikely.
Go look in a mirror mate.