Looks like r/Canada is gonna start spazzing out again…
The 4 nations face-off final Hockey game between US and Canada in Boston on Thursday will be wild for sureLooks like r/Canada is gonna start spazzing out again…
https://www.reddit.com/r/canada/comments/1irrxm4Looks like r/Canada is gonna start spazzing out again…
Is Marchand still on the team?The 4 nations face-off final Hockey game between US and Canada in Boston on Thursday will be wild for sure![]()
Taiwan knows they owe their survival as a state/country to the US. So the US is the only country that can actually arm twist them successfully. So if push comes to shove, they will do exactly what the US demands from them. Lol. Else they might as well make peace and reunite with China on more favourable terms.
Shocking! /s
I'm pretty sure this is stock market manipulation. Buy low, drop speculative rumor, sell high, dispel rumor. Rinse and repeat.
There is no way TSMC would take over Intel deadweight foundry in a JV, transfer secret knowledge, just because of tariff threat by Trump. That is some unequal treaty type transaction. Taiwan might as well just sell to China if it comes to pass just to stick it against the uppity Americans.
Seriously this thread is a really comedy trove. I've just been laughing so much going through the comments.. Trump is indeed a comedy genius. LoolLOL. Look how positive the BRICS are thinking of Trump 2.0 yet the orange tariff man wants BRICS to die!
To make him a full Caesar, they should name a month after him too. June for example... That name doesn't sound good. It is a feminine name. Its name should be Trumpember instead. Trump's name will be before July too. July was named after Julius Caesar but did Caesar command aircraft carriers?
Today, President's Day, marks George Washington's birthday. The first president of the USA.
Roosevelt was historically significant.Today, President's Day, marks George Washington's birthday. The first president of the USA.
The new President's Day will mark Donald Trump's birthday. The soon-to-be first president of the new USA.
Not as absurd as it sounds. Theodore Roosevelt carved his own face alongside those of the founding fathers on Mount Rushmore to equate his own importance to theirs, did he not?
Trump is VERY historically significant. Not in a positive way, but he is definitely one of the most significant presidents in US history. He symbolizes when American totally lost its shit trying to keep China down in the rivalry that would ultimately mark the sunset of the American empire.Roosevelt was historically significant.