He's just broke and has too many things busted with America that needs attention. Basically, he's gassed out and hurt in the boxing ring so he's proposing we all take break. Screw that; we're just warming up! Chinese military engineers are waking up every day eager to run new tests on upcoming designs while American federal employees are watching their coworkers get fired every day wondering when it'll happen to them. We ain't stopping for shit and I think even he knows that.
He's actually bending the knee. I'm guessing that cutting US defense spending that badly will be linked into China and Russia also entering some sort of deal to cut defense spending too, alongside some other concessions. Too bad the 180 policy flip that will happen once the Democrats get elected means that this won't be a long term policy and thus impossible for China and Russia and other countries to actually commit to.
With such a drastic move of cutting the budget in half, I think there's a very good chance that NGAD is on the chopping block. Also I really really find it funny that people still consistently treat Russia like it's some kind of superpower on the same tier as China and America.
This is where it's really at: "Defense stocks dropped sharply Thursday afternoon after President Donald Trump suggested the U.S. could massively cut defense spending." Which Trump buddies sold their defense stocks before his speech? They'll buy them back up for cheap before Trump makes an announcement that he couldn't reach any deal so defense spending's gonna go up as usual. That's American capitalism.
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