I assume techno1911 is refering to the Korean War in his US Vs PRC casulities figures. From my simple research the actual number of North Korean and PRC casulities is unknown.
I found this paragraph to be very intresting;
Personally I hope the US and PLA forces never meet on the field of battle. War is an horrfic business. The US and PRC have many, many bussiness dealings nowadays to even complentate war. US banks an the US government owe PRC banks almost $1 trillion USD.
War sucks.
I found this paragraph to be very intresting;
Losses among North Korean and Chinese military forces were also astronomical. The use of "human wave" attacks contributed to high combat losses. In such attacks hundreds and even thousands of soldiers, sometimes armed only with grenades or even unarmed (the assumption being that they would pick up weapons dropped by soldiers killed in preceding waves) were sacrificed in often completely useless frontal assaults. Primitive logistic and medical support meant a very low survival rate for wounded soldiers; by 1952, for Chinese and North Korean troops a wound amounted to a death sentence. Many more simply froze to death. It is estimated that anywhere from 500,000 to 1,500,000 Chinese and North Korean soldiers died in the war.
Personally I hope the US and PLA forces never meet on the field of battle. War is an horrfic business. The US and PRC have many, many bussiness dealings nowadays to even complentate war. US banks an the US government owe PRC banks almost $1 trillion USD.
War sucks.