Re: Boeing's answer to the 4.5 gen aircraft market
It was not fair fight,you ignore the fact,that most of air to air killed was due to aerial coverage from AWACS.let us assume, the USAF flying the MIG-29 and the iraqi flying F-15E the out come may be different. remember most of front line iraqi pilot are 9 year experience (and lesson) against US trained iranian pilots.
If you belive in a fair fight your not a Marine. But what is really not fair which dont bother me, the Russian Air Craft Industry is on the ropes,,their GDP has dropped from half of that of the USA when it was the USSR to one seventh of the USA,,if the USA can take their market even for a limited time, and especially with India. The USA has wiped out the Migs with out fireing a shot. These Boeing planes plus a surplus of other american planes since the advent of the smart bombs, might just might be the end of the Russian Military Industry.
Published: 3 May 2010 Print | EmailMOSCOW - Russia's defense ministry is pushing domestic companies that build military vehicles to get the armor from Germany, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov said April 21
Building planes a lot more complicated then getting armor for tanks.