While I agree that losing Kherson is bad for Russia, I disagree about the million men thing. I see this floating around at different places. Ukraine has a million men to throw at the Russians.
In modern warfare, you need cannons and armor. This is especially true if you are going on the offensive. All the signs point to Ukraine depleting most of its armor and cannons. This is why they are using technicals for their offensive.
You also need NCOs, which take years to train. In the West, a soldier that went through a few months of training is called passing basic training, that is not really ready to fight. Ukraine is losing these in a very rapid rate. In a war, if your men went through battle, their combat effectiveness increases significantly. However, if you loses a lot of those that actually went through combat, your combat effectiveness decreases.
When the Ukrainian offensive finishes, they will face even a more severe equipment shortage which are not replenished by NATO. 16 HIMARS, more than half of which are already gone, is not a lot of firepower. sending a few tens of thousand who went through basic training from the West leading a bunch of conscripts is what I call the blind leading the blind. You have to stop in the middle of a fight and get out and read your army handbook to see what steps to take next, that is not a good thing.
Even if you do have a million men, your logistics and equipment only allow you so many. If the Russians go on an offensive and you got a lot of guys with broomsticks, it doesn't do any good. You need to supply these people. Modern warfare is a very material intensive, which requires logistics. If your entire country is out of power, you need to devote a huge portion of the meager logistical resources just to keep your people warm and fed.
Once Donbass is done, Ukraine no longer have well constructed defensive lines that took eight years to build. In vast open plains, soldiers in civilian vehicles with a few IFV, one or two tanks against tanks, IFV and warplanes is a one sided slaughter. A million men against a million bullets from IFV and tanks, the bullets win every time.