Looks like Putin decided he did too much damage to Ukraine, no further strikes.
We'll have to wait for the next Ukrainian terrorist attack for Russia to do something again. Where next, the Kremlin?
And there are still people here who think Russia is treating this like a war. Putin is a rare and delicate flower when compared to Bush, Obama and Reagan.
This Russian passivity could end up dooming the entire operation at the strategic level. Look what Ukraine is saying:
Russia's enemies openly say that they not only want the destruction of their country but also the death of their leader, how are they acting to defend themselves against this enemy initiative?
Here's the answer: Let's stop the attack, because we've already done a lot of damage.
This is a real joke.
Then their supporters say they deserve to lose, like Strelkov, Dugin and so many others, they are the fifth column, sixth column or traitors, recently it was reported that they are under investigation because they are discrediting the Russian army. And who wouldn't disbelieve in the face of so much passivity?
The dubious side of these statements is that, as has been shown since February 24th, nothing that Russia's political and military leadership says should be taken as truth. Escalation can come in another form and not in the form of missiles flying over the entire country, but simply an advance through Belarus or not, which only confirms Russian passivity. Then, when they suffer attacks and setbacks such as Kharkiv, Kherson and the Crimea bridge, they quickly have to respond, there will come a time when Ukraine has this freedom to act, the Russians will be back to the original border, leaving even Crimea.
It is wait and see what will happen.