The War in the Ukraine


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Canada promises thousands of winter uniforms.

It has now been noted how the Russians (especially the separatists) are equipped at the worst (we have seen, for example, the disarming squalor of helmets, 'bulletproof' vests and first-aid kits), while the Ukrainians have first-class equipment. Aspects like this have a weight that is as much overlooked by the layman as it is negligible in the overall balance of military operations. With winter coming on, training, equipment and logistics will further highlight the difference between qualified fighters and cannon fodder.

Lancet knocks Buk

Alligator knocks tank

reports Ukrainian Su-25 down in Kherson

Lancet knocks Osa

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Result of Ramstein 6: Germany to hand over additional PzH 2000 and MARS II to UkraineParticipants of Ramstein-6 meeting coordinate support for Ukraine.

Germany to transfer additional PzH 2000 to Ukraine / photo
Germany is committed to transfer additional Panzerhaubitze 2000 howitzers and MARS II multiple rocket launchers to Ukraine.
The German Defence Ministry said in a statement on microblogging Twitter.

"The Ramstein meeting takes place in wartime: missile attacks and partial mobilisation in Russia, simulated referendums, and a Ukrainian counter-offensive. We are coordinating our current support. More PzH 2000 and MARS II will be handed over to Ukraine in the next few weeks," the statement said.

"Ramstein-6: what is known

As reported by UNIAN, today, October 12, in Brussels (Belgium), a meeting of the Contact Group on Defence of Ukraine (the so-called "Ramstein-6") takes place.
At the beginning of the meeting, United States Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin said that the Ukrainian military had changed the dynamics of the war unleashed by Russia, support for Ukraine will increase.
For his part, Ukrainian Defence Minister Oleksiy Reznikov said that he was optimistic about strengthening Ukraine's air defence. According to him, the first item on today's agenda of the Ramstein-6 meetings and NATO defence ministers is the strengthening of Ukraine's air defence.


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Lieutenant General
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Canada promises thousands of winter uniforms.
Those news were highly deceptive. This is not 500,000 winter uniforms supplied by Canada. It is 500,000 pieces of winter clothing.

It has now been noted how the Russians (especially the separatists) are equipped at the worst (we have seen, for example, the disarming squalor of helmets, 'bulletproof' vests and first-aid kits), while the Ukrainians have first-class equipment.
Russian troops are not poorly equipped in terms of uniforms or individual weapons. The pro Russian militias are poorly equipped but once the regions are merged into Russia proper and they are absorbed into Russia's military forces I expect their level of equipment to improve as well. There are shortages of some things like encrypted digital radios and individual thermal optics but so far the Russians seem to be doing fine with what they have.

Aspects like this have a weight that is as much overlooked by the layman as it is negligible in the overall balance of military operations. With winter coming on, training, equipment and logistics will further highlight the difference between qualified fighters and cannon fodder.
I have seen no evidence that Ukraine has better logistics or equipment. At least in things like ammo there is plenty of evidence Ukrainian troops have much less supply than Russian troops.


Registered Member

Canada promises thousands of winter uniforms.

It has now been noted how the Russians (especially the separatists) are equipped at the worst (we have seen, for example, the disarming squalor of helmets, 'bulletproof' vests and first-aid kits), while the Ukrainians have first-class equipment. Aspects like this have a weight that is as much overlooked by the layman as it is negligible in the overall balance of military operations. With winter coming on, training, equipment and logistics will further highlight the difference between qualified fighters and cannon fodder.

This is a really questionable number unless there is a lot of surplus of uniforms that they kept around.

The total number of CF personnel is under 100,000. Everyone was only issued 2 or 3 sets of winter gear.

It absolutely must be regular civilian clothing just by quantity.

Almost assuredly this is commercial off the shelf products too, probably from China.
Canada does not have the manufacturing capacity to supply that amount of gear and in that period of time.


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This is a really questionable number unless there is a lot of surplus of uniforms that they kept around.

The total number of CF personnel is under 100,000. Everyone was only issued 2 or 3 sets of winter gear.

It absolutely must be regular civilian clothing just by quantity.

Almost assuredly this is commercial off the shelf products too, probably from China.
Canada does not have the manufacturing capacity to supply that amount of gear and in that period of time.

Yes. It might be better to go directly to the source. Both Ukraine and Russia are doing it.


Registered Member
This is a really questionable number unless there is a lot of surplus of uniforms that they kept around.

The total number of CF personnel is under 100,000. Everyone was only issued 2 or 3 sets of winter gear.

It absolutely must be regular civilian clothing just by quantity.
There's testing of new uniform lately so maybe they will send the old ones.

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Or it's just the thin winter camo that you put over the insulating ones... you can destroy it in no time so stockpiles could be big.


Registered Member
There's testing of new uniform lately so maybe they will send the old ones.

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Or it's just the thin winter camo that you put over the insulating ones... you can destroy it in no time so stockpiles could be big.

The new uniform will not be ready any time soon. I think the decision was to go with a Multicam based pattern in the Summer, and obviously the Woodland pattern will always be issued and manufactured first.

As you mention, the winter camo is just fabric you slip over the actual uniform. If that is what the government is sending, please don't make an announcement because it's a joke. It's basically nothing. Those were issued to units rather than individuals because it wasn't even essential gear.


Registered Member
With winter coming on, training, equipment and logistics will further highlight the difference between qualified fighters and cannon fodder.

That must be the why the Ukranians soldiers have been constantly complaining about how they have to barter and trade to get needed equipment, how units not in the frontline hoarded NLAWs and Javelins and units actually fighting the Russians were lucky to get an RPG.

Impressive logistics, yes.


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Confession that I based it on information from the Reddit thread, but I don't really believe Ukraine is able to muster this amount of artillery/tanks in one place to be destroyed piecemeal anyhow. Also if it was AFU equipment best believe it'll be plastered all over Russian socials.
I wouldn't put the vehicles to be russian using that argument. I already quote saying that they are probably Russian units, but let's analyze it better. In the case of the Grad battery that was attacked, it could also be from the AFU, this in no way excludes the argument of the other member. However, videos have an immense amount of information that can be extracted:

1 - In the case of the Grad battery, all the information indicates that Grad vehicles were being recharged there.
a) It was in arboreal vegetation
b) It was against the slope of this vegetation on firm ground
c) Easy access and circulation
Questionable points during this recharged:
d) We do not know if this battery moved away from the firing position to avoid counter-battery fires
e) There was definitely no spacing between the vehicles, a reloading position (depending on what size unit we are talking about) has to have dimensions of at least 500 meters on a side in a square format... see for example in seconds 0:44 onwards, you will see that this square is not even 30 meters away distance

Regarding item d)... when an artillery and rocket battery is firing, in order to carry out recharged, this battery has to move away from that firing position in order to avoid being a victim of enemy artillery fire. Doctrinally, this battery has to move at least 2 km away from the firing position, as we have not confirmed this, there is a doubt whether with regard to item d) this battery unit failed in one of the most crucial hours of an artillery. If that unit did not perform the distance from the firing position, it becomes an easy target because a counter-battery radar would give an approximate location of the shots, a small UAV would be sent to perform reconnaissance of this unit and since this battery did not distance itself enough, It became easier to find. Was it the case with this video? I don't know.

Regarding item e)... this is the failure that has been fully confirmed, I don't know what the commander of that battery was thinking, but he failed miserably here. The square format distance of 500 meters is precisely to avoid this type of losses, grouping a battery during remunition at this distance is asking to destroy all your units.

2 - The logistic column that was destroyed in the opening seconds of the video. You can't get much information out of this, but I would say that this column would be at rest or waiting for some kind of order (withdrawal or advance... I can't say).

a) One of the main information that we can extract is the approximate space of these vehicles, they are very close to each other at a distance of only 3 meters. One of the main passive measures is to distance the vehicles from each other to prevent the entire logistical unit from being destroyed in an air or artillery attack - as was the case here, even more considering that this logistical unit did not carry out any camouflage of the vehicles - until because there was no way to do that.

b) In addition, possibly they would not be counting on air defense means in a permanent state of alert along this small march column, whoever claims with 100% certainty based on this video that this unit did not have air defense units does not know what is saying, these anti-aircraft assets are placed in elevated areas that surround the logistic column, this type of active measure would not be in the same position as the logistic vehicles, therefore, this is a matter of discussion, anyway, if did not have units of anti-air defense, the way in which the passive measures did not work already demonstrates the operational failure, if there were air defense units in the area, was there a failure to detect the UAV? Certainly. These are all possibilities, but the operational failure has already been demonstrated.

c) If they didn't have these air units, why didn't they have an anti-aircraft spotter along the column? This is another passive measure that could have been employed.


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Winter is Russians specialty. Moscow averages -8 C low in January. This is much colder than what Ukrainians ever experienced. Russians are well adapted to Russian winter. Ukrainian winter is very wimpy compared to Russian winter.

This is why Russians are starting to target power plants. While it is true Germans may transfer hundreds or even thousands of tanks to Ukraine, without fuel none of them can move. No power plant. No oil refinery. No oil refinery. No fuel.
What is it that you're saying that Ukrainians that have lived in Ukraine all of their lives are not used to their own winter? Remember they are fighting in Ukraine not the cold parts of Russia. Besides I think you forgot the invasion began Feb 24th when Russia had all their best equipment and best troops before getting routed from Kyiv, Kharkiv city and other parts of the north. At the time only weapons Ukraine had were NLAWS, JAVs and stinger missiles.