Only idiots that keeps LOL with their emoji would dismiss what you wrote when none of these folks have been, or living in Canada. Side note: when the PM of Canada was then P.M. Stephen Harper his government spent a considerable amount of money on the military or at least what purported to be announced. I had the opportunity to speak to active duty military officers (Captain, Major) who were involved with Army Cadet program. I asked them if they were happy, satisfied that they are now being funded properly as compared to the prior administration. They gave me a look like I was a gullible sheep for actually believing what the political machinery said along with the ignorant media. They told me flat out that there's not enough ammunition, and other essential items for the Canadian military and the armed forces aren't geared to fight big battles with the amount of training, deployment, the wear and tear on their equipments are beyond the scope of what the forces then could endure. The money given was enough to supply what's being utilized not nearly enough or sufficient to actually invest into a proper force that their political masters demand of the military.This is a really questionable number unless there is a lot of surplus of uniforms that they kept around.
The total number of CF personnel is under 100,000. Everyone was only issued 2 or 3 sets of winter gear.
It absolutely must be regular civilian clothing just by quantity.
Almost assuredly this is commercial off the shelf products too, probably from China.
Canada does not have the manufacturing capacity to supply that amount of gear and in that period of time.
Some folks here are head scratching comedians all because their favored western pet is being bombed like they have never been bombed before. The civilians who were cheering that a civilian bridge was bombed without any hint of irony must now realize that they're not out if reach from the Russian military reach. They're lucky that NATO wasn't the one conducting this war or so-called SMO, otherwise they would have been bombed out of electricity, drinking water, bombed hospitals, churches, mosques, schools, and other key infrastructures deemed military dual use by American led NATO.
My last comment on this thread about this topic.