The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
I think the real deciding factor on whether this will affect the Ukranians fighting ability long term or not will depend on whether this was a one-off or the Russians do sustain this kind of attack on the remaining electric and transport infrastructure.

If it is a one off, them it won't amount to much other than a few days of bots whinning on Twitter


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Should have done this day 1 of the war. Power plants are few and difficult to repair. And absolutely nothing works without electricity. Not even oil refining. It is said modern society is built on the backs of electricity. Kharkiv city would have fallen if power plants were targeted on day 1.
The same can be said about mobilization. Russia's fight this war with right hand tied behind the back even now for some reason.

And I would not have excluded NPP from targeting too, btw. It is not hard to force shutdown without nuclear disaster. You just need to target key electricity transportation points, there are not that many of them. Ukraine did manage to force shutdown of Zaporozskaya NPP.

I think the real deciding factor on whether this will affect the Ukranians fighting ability long term or not will depend on whether this was a one-off or the Russians do sustain this kind of attack on the remaining electric and transport infrastructure.

If it is a one off, them it won't amount to much other than a few days of bots whinning on Twitter

I bet Ukraine would do some stupid terror attack that would force Russian side to sustain it.


Registered Member
I'm so glad I have Western journalists to help me make sense of this conflict. For instance, watch this brilliant report by Canadian Free™ state media
That's the kind of tactical and operational information I crave - how some woman's cat was frightened and hid. From watching a sample of Free™ Western media, I've concluded that Russia wasn't targeting power stations like some anti-Freedom™ users here claimed, it was targeting women and children. It's well-known that Russian Kh-101 missiles and completely indigenous Geran-2 drones have anti-women and children warheads; any time the weapon detects a post-pubescent male, it aborts the mission. Pretty impressive for weapons made from washing machine chips.


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According to Putin's statement today - the Kiev regime has long been using terrorist methods:

Kiev terror tactics nothing new, Putin says

The Kiev regime has long been using terrorist tactics, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in connection with the terrorist attack on the Crimean bridge.

"It is obvious that the instigators, organizers, and perpetrators of the terrorist attack [on the Crimean bridge] are the Ukrainian special services. The Kiev regime has long used terrorist tactics," the Russian president said on Monday, opening a meeting with the permanent members of the Security Council.

Kiev's crimes include the killing of public figures, journalists and scientists, "both in Ukraine and Russia." "These are the terrorist shelling of towns in Donbass, which has been going on for more than eight years. These are also acts of nuclear terrorism, I mean missile and artillery strikes on the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant," the Russian president listed.

Kiev does not stop at "nuclear terrorism", either, by constantly attacking the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant.

There have been three acts of terrorism against the Kursk nuclear power plant. As a result of the latest "three high-voltage power lines were damaged at once." Serious consequences were prevented.

"A number of terrorist attacks and attempts at similar crimes have been committed against electric power facilities and gas transportation infrastructure of our country, including an attempt to undermine one of the sections of the TurkStream gas carrier. All this is proved by impartial evidence, including testimonies by detained perpetrators."

"Leaving crimes of this kind unanswered is already simply impossible," Putin said.

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Registered Member
You think Ukraine would stop doing stupid, pointless things to provoke Russia?

Thing is, Russian leadership would have conducted some kind of deal long time ago if Ukraine side was negotiable. Lol, even Minsk-2 deal that was buried by Kiev was about return of Donbass into Ukraine with some autonomy.

Thing is, at this point, these type of attacks shouldn't be a response to whatever the Ukranians do and should be a matter of policy to keep infrastructure down in order to undermine their morale and their ability to effectively resupply their units in the frontlines.


Registered Member
From footage of the strikes, there are important targets hit, but also an assortment of random targets that were hit, for example a pedestrian walkways and the Samsung RnD office in Kiev. Is it bad ISR/targetting or is a bit of revenge mixed in with this strike?
The strikes are a sign that Russia is doing something at least. What's more important is IMO how long they can/will keep this tempo.

If it is just a strike for one day and tomorrow they stop, then they won't achieve anything. Russia needs to keep a consistent rate of bombing them


Senior Member
Registered Member
The strikes are a sign that Russia is doing something at least. What's more important is IMO how long they can/will keep this tempo.

If it is just a strike for one day and tomorrow they stop, then they won't achieve anything. Russia needs to keep a consistent rate of bombing them
Hitting power infrastructure alone is unlikely to stop Ukrainians from fighting anyhow, I don't think Russia can actually stop western arms from flowing into the front lines. The US couldn't do it in the middle east so why would Russia be able to?


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Hitting power infrastructure alone is unlikely to stop Ukrainians from fighting anyhow, I don't think Russia can actually stop western arms from flowing into the front lines. The US couldn't do it in the middle east so why would Russia be able to?
The Russians can stop the flow of heavy weapons by bombing the tunnels in the Carpatian mountains and hitting what few railroads there are between Poland, Romania, and Ukraine.