Ukraine's commander in chief assumes some DPR locals, chechens and some prisoners in a mercenary group is considered a professional army thats what he thinks he has been fighting as professionals.This whole war is really showcasing Russian military not being as good as advertised, they really should've spent some of that frozen reserves pre-war buying more modern equipment for it's armed forces instead of keeping it in the west only to get frozen.
A Russian armed forces that was even $50 billion more well equipped would not have such trouble in this war. Imagine instead of sending in upgraded t-72s the initial spear head were all t-14s, instead of 150 odd ka-52 and some mi-8s as CAS there are hundreds more. Instead of saturation bombardment every artillery shot is satellite guided. Suicide drone swarms to hunt western arm supplies in the rear instead of buying from Iran 6 months after the war beginning.
the loss of valuable crews and manpower due to old equipment used in this war cannot be understated.
Came in ukraine with 200k troops left 80k there, shogui states 5,937 russian troops died, send 300k reservists instead for training.
1 million active duty which is now going to be 1,150,000 million active duty troops by 2023, troops that have actually been trained for war longer than reserves because its their jobs
Even if I was to pretend that the reservists will make absolutely no progress with the doomers there would still be another mobilization whom actually are considered a professional army. Or maybe ukraine is not even worth using a professional army for? From the looks of it Russia tried to de-escalate the conflict with every step possible. step 1. dont damage water facities, gas storage supplies, dont damage power grids to see if they will surrender. step 2 send reservists, damage everything that was listed on step 1 before winter comes to see if they will surrender. step 3 send modern equipment with people that were actually trained to kill as their jobs to ukraine. step 4. nuke the place if steps 1 to 3 dont work.
I dont know where Ukraine stands at in terms of strongest armies excluding US, China and Russia but equipment, training and the amount fighting suggest they are somewhere up there with the UK, Turkey or France. But Russia fighting them with one hand tied behind their back(not sending trained active duty personel) suggests their military is as good as advertised. From the looks of it they tried to conduct this war in the most humane way possible if we are to compare other conflicts.