I feel Putin will pull out a WW2 kinda shit, a whole damn new army in the winter with a massive counter-offensive.
All he said was there is much more Russia could do with this silly SMO game they are playing so far.
Russian involvement I believe right now is limited supporting local militia with intelligence, planning, weapons, training, vehicles, logistics, but most importantly airpower and unmatched artillery power. The last two the donbass militias lack in both quantity and quality that Russia posses
What he is saying is they can take the gloves off, knock Ukraine into the 17th century and go full invasion with Russian land forces and just crush the country. Or he could broaden the scope of targets they strike behind the lines as was evidenced by hitting a dam that had a pretty serious side effect on local ukro logistics
I hope it doesn't lead to ww3 but if it does, it does. I don't want to see Russia and Russians consumed and dismembered by the corrupt maniacs that run our countries anymore than Russians do.
What's driving me insane is there is a sudden absense of ATGMs in both sides. Why aren't defenders equipped with atgms to knock out these bmps that casually drive up with 15 dudes on top? Why aren't Russians using submunitions on these trenches? I don't think I've seen a single instance of using then and they were used very effectively in Syria, Georgia even in Chechen wars