The War in the Ukraine


Lieutenant General
I am looking at these autumn Ukrainian offensives and just marvelling at their stupidly.

At the very cusp of winter, Ukraine is going on the offensive across rivers using pontoons and bridges that form natural choke points and easily cut at any time by the Russians thanks to aviation and cruise missiles if not artillery.

All they needed to do is wait a few more months and once the winter hits in earnest and the rivers freeze, they could be able to advance basically anywhere they want. That’s the only proven way you can score major victories against a numerically inferior opponent with firepower superiority - spread them thin and defeat them in detail.

Someone asked earlier why the Russians are not blowing the bridges, this is why - they don’t want to interrupt Ukraine as it’s making colossal strategic mistakes.

Let’s not sugar coat it, they Russians are getting spanked and this isn’t more of their standard bait and counterattack moves.

This is again down to Russian laxity and incompetence as much as Ukrainian battlefield prowess. The Russians got complacent and kept rinse and repeating the same trick and were caught with their pants down when the Ukrainians managed to tailor a counter. The Ukrainians are also throwing a lot of their best troops and foreign mercenaries into the fight. The Russians probably got used to curbstomping poorly trained Ukrainian cannon fodder conscripts and were not expecting or able to handle motivated, western trained veteran troops.

But all these are tactical level small details. This is costing Russia a lot more than it is used to or want to pay in blood and equipment, but let’s not kid ourselves about this being able to turn the tide of the war.

Depending on how the inevitable Russian counter-attacks goes, this could be Ukraine’s last significant offensive if they loose too much of their best troops here.

But none of this changes the fact that these offensives would have been far more effective and cost Ukraine far less in men and material had they been launched during winter, when the entire frontline opens up for attack instead of now, having to fight at predictable choke points that maximises Russian firepower advantages while minimising Ukrainian numerical superiority.

We all know why Kiev is needlessly throwing away Ukrainian lives to rush and try to end the war before the weather gets too cold.


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Many people(if not robots) in this thread are not talking about what's going on at Balakliya Bulge but just imagine the things that may never happen in the near future. Please be realistic.

Here is the situation I know by this afternoon:QQ截图20220909161620.png
The red/blue circle for the position held by Ukraine/Russia. Blue square for the possible position of AFU's assault forces.

For AFU, in this round of attack, they advanced about 50 kilometers in two days (one of the best among NATO countries, if not the best except the United States and France), and get two key positions: Balakliya and Volokhiv Yar. But the problem is that AFU failed to take Shevchenkove and the Kup'yans'k in the northeast direction. This made the AFU's assault forces stuck in the middle of the countryside and failed to completely destroy the defenses of the Russians in this direction - more like forcing the Russians to give up non-critical positions. Their position is very risky. However, they came to the riverside, opening the possibility for the next attack across the river and outflank Igyum to the east.

For the Russians, Balakliya held out for a while until its defenders retreated on their own, buying time for the reserves. The Russian army did not suffer any major losses. To be honest, there were not many Russian troops in this direction from the beginning. But if the Russians do not give any further response, then AFU may continue to attack after a week or two, crossing the river to outflank Igyum, which indeed poses a big threat.

For me, after seeing what happened in Kherson, this attack by AFU is shocking. I wonder what is AFU's next move, and how the follow-up troops of the Russians will defeat them.

In conclusion, it is too early for both sides to talk about failure. After AFU occupied Balakliya and Volokhiv Yar, there was at least a place to retreat and resupply for them, so if their commander is not dumb, retreat when necessary, the Kherson penis thing likely won't happen again. On the other hand, although the Russians withdrew from many positions, there were no major losses, and Shevchenkove and Kup'yans'k were still in their hands.


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Let’s not sugar coat it, they Russians are getting spanked and this isn’t more of their standard bait and counterattack moves.

This is again down to Russian laxity and incompetence as much as Ukrainian battlefield prowess. The Russians got complacent and kept rinse and repeating the same trick and were caught with their pants down when the Ukrainians managed to tailor a counter. The Ukrainians are also throwing a lot of their best troops and foreign mercenaries into the fight. The Russians probably got used to curbstomping poorly trained Ukrainian cannon fodder conscripts and were not expecting or able to handle motivated, western trained veteran troops.

But all these are tactical level small details. This is costing Russia a lot more than it is used to or want to pay in blood and equipment, but let’s not kid ourselves about this being able to turn the tide of the war.

Depending on how the inevitable Russian counter-attacks goes, this could be Ukraine’s last significant offensive if they loose too much of their best troops here.

But none of this changes the fact that these offensives would have been far more effective and cost Ukraine far less in men and material had they been launched during winter, when the entire frontline opens up for attack instead of now, having to fight at predictable choke points that maximises Russian firepower advantages while minimising Ukrainian numerical superiority.

We all know why Kiev is needlessly throwing away Ukrainian lives to rush and try to end the war before the weather gets too cold.

I'm not sure Russia have a plan this time, it's look more like incompetant command and intel cause this to happen. I mean a lot of part timer OSINT was predict this to happen for a month. At this point, I don't think Russia will be able to counter attack and claim territory back before winter at all consider that last 2 months Donetsk front was barely move.

What funny is Russia MOD and supporter are now acting like Ukraine propaganda a months ago. Believe in the plan my ass, they need to stop sugar coat their loss and start taking things more serious.

I'm not try to be a doomer but this mess in Khakov is clear display of Russia military command incompetency. PLA need to learn from this or risk getting the same problem as Russia when AR happen.


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Russian drone air dropped grenade starts fire in Ukrainian technical vehicle near Kherson. This is pretty graphic.
Technical vehicules are quite good at flanking and harassing but the absence of real armor make them a dangerous place to be when static. Even a grenade tossed beside a technical vehicule can disable it and maul people inside.

The same with tank with all hatches open... When you can disable a MBT with a grenade from km away with a small low tech drone, it's a bit pathetic. I cannot see new generation of tanks without air conditioning and good quality 360 degree camera to diminish the chance of getting blowed up from these.
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