The War in the Ukraine


Registered Member
How?. Our pro-ukraine friends here are telling us how they are totally winning and Russia is done for. They are on the way to Vladivostok right now!
I don't who planned this offensive, I read somewhere that Boris Johnson was somehow involved so that may explain a lot, the problem is that Ukraine is not in position to launch any offensive attack at all, that only will deplete their resources and manpower, they could be in position of defending what they still have, they should be focusing in strengthening their defenses, begging for more weapons and training more civilians so in the case the Russians decide to take what it left of that country at least they have a chance of slowing them down.


Registered Member
I don't who planned this offensive, I read somewhere that Boris Johnson was somehow involved so that may explain a lot, the problem is that Ukraine is not in position to launch any offensive attack at all, that only will deplete their resources and manpower, they could be in position of defending what they still have, they should be focusing in strengthening their defenses, begging for more weapons and training more civilians so in the case the Russians decide to take what it left of that country at least they have a chance of slowing them down.

Boris/West probably told him to do it. Remember back when the treaty was in negotiations between Kiev and Moscow. Boris flew into Kiev and then almost immediately after Kiev backtracked all their concessions and ripped apart the negotiations. Today, we got Boris flying into Ukraine and not so long after the Ukrainian offensive began.


Junior Member
Another MI-28 down
The cost and time to rebuild Russia's military after this will be huge. The Baltics will be able to sleep a little easier at night.

It will not.

Russia is actually doing pretty amazing job to minimize the cost of this operation both on the battlefield and especially in economic front. They are fighting a rather motivated group using *full* support of NATO whit only ~150K troops. Russia is not even using its air force/ strategic forces.

I can tell you the result of "Kherson counter attack": fall of Odessa ;)

This whole thing is a huge motivation / opportunity to cut down the corruption and refocus on mid to long term planning. Especially when Russia wins this thing (turns Ukraine in sorry landlocked country with half of its previous population) it will increase Russian stature even further in the world.

For example Saudis is no longer doing anything US is asking. This is crazy when you think the last 4 decades....

India is doing whatever in her interest so even with anti-china sentiment down there, they are happy to support Russia and be part of BRICS..

Same for Brazil.. A die hard US fan of president is in power there and him supports Russia.

US and EU is becoming isolated not Russia.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Russia is actually doing pretty amazing job to minimize the cost of this operation both on the battlefield and especially in economic front. They are fighting a rather motivated group using *full* support of NATO whit only ~150K troops. Russia is not even using its air force/ strategic forces.

I would hate to see what a poor Russian operation would look like. They've already lost 40% of their active tank fleet.

NATO has not contributed a single Western tank yet.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I would hate to see what a poor Russian operation would look like. They've already lost 40% of their active tank fleet.

NATO has not contributed a single tank yet.
Poland is part of NATO and Im pretty impressed how Ukraine's operations are. Winning by calling Russians orcs in the internet, rallying the idiotic nazi supporters around the world and giving up real estate.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I would hate to see what a poor Russian operation would look like. They've already lost 40% of their active tank fleet.

NATO has not contributed a single Western tank yet.
From russian perspective its better to lose 1000 tanks than entire russia. But as per western nation’s perspective, There won’t be peace in Europe until russia is divided into smaller nations. So this russian ukrainian conflict was inevitable.


Junior Member
Registered Member
From russian perspective its better to lose 1000 tanks than entire russia. But as per western nation’s perspective, There won’t be peace in Europe until russia is divided into smaller nations. So this russian ukrainian conflict was inevitable.

I wasn't aware Ukraine was planning on invading Russia.

It was however invaded and occupied by Russia in 2014 and is legally entitled to defend itself and reclaim it's territories.