In my first post it was assuming that if EU survives this winter, so already I'm thinking a timescale of 1+ years, are you seriously going to tell me that you can't train people to fly combat aircraft within a year's time from civilian pilots? They don't need to reach NATO standards for them to be an effective fighting force, heck they don't even need to reach Russian standards, just having the ability to fire off airborne NATO standoff munitions would be enough to affect Russian planning regarding air defence and forward artillery.
That's even more so for tanks. Russia has thousands of armoured vehicles involved in this conflict, do you think they're all some super genius tank driver? It's a skill that's a given, but like all skills can be trained in time. We're currently 6 months into this war, there's plenty of time for "good enough" training for NATO systems. Dying in a tank beats getting pounded by artillery any day.
Of course the US military is going to hype up the military they trained, do they want to be called incompetent? Fundamentally the Iraqi military post desert storm is defunct simply because there's systematic corruption and they always thought that uncle Sam would do all the heavy lifting. You can't call an Army that abandoned it's position against a few dozen guys on utes firing aks into the air as competent.
In the case of turkey they basically did the same thing Russia did at the start of this conflict, greatly underestimate their enemy causing unneeded losses.
On your last point, I do agree that infantry anti tank and artillery is a weak point for NATO militaries, that's because they're supplying a war for a way of fighting that they themselves do not train for, NATO millitaries are planned around having air power be the primary source of fire support.
Not necessarily that it would turn the tide of war now that Ukraine is pretty spent in terms of manpower, just what I think the next logical step for the West's actions if they survive this winter and can afford to escalate further, that would be supplying last generation aircraft and current generation tanks to a small number of trained crew.