The War in the Ukraine


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yeah, sometimes I cant fathom the way Russia waging this war, for example, when news popped up about the risk of nuclear disaster due to attacks against Zaporozhie Power Plant, I just learned that the Russians still allowed the plant to provide electricity to the Ukrainian side after controlling it for months, like what the hell they were thinking, they held one of the most critical infrastructures of the enemy and still let them benefit from it? It's like them Russians intentionally shoot themselves in the foot
Makes perfect sense since the goal (for now) isn't to take ground. It's to get Zelensky/Azov supporters out on the field so they can all be legally and easily killed, force neutral Ukrainians to choose either going to the front and dying/surrender, or refuse and be vilified by the regime, and ultimately, build hatred within the Ukrainian population (or what's left of it) for the Kiev regime.

At the end of the day, Russia is waging a brutal campaign of annexation, and the proportion of people they're ready to kill in the target territory is not necessarily less than even what the Israelis want. They just go about it with better PR and more realistic plan on what to do with non-combatants.


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What is estimate for Ukrainian Casualties? If Russia is firing 10 times more artillery and also dominating the firing of Air Launched Bombs, I would assume there atleast that many casualties on the Ukrainian side as well.
That is what I have been asking, If Russia casualties is said to be 300 thousand plus. Then Ukraine casualties must have cross half a million.


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Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, & Kramatorsk are receiving hits.

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That is what I have been asking, If Russia casualties is said to be 300 thousand plus. Then Ukraine casualties must have cross half a million.
Mediazona has 58k confirmed casualties, but estimates Russian losses to be around 120k.


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Russia starting to scrape the barrel for working tanks.

Interesting that Oryx recorded around 700 Russian tank losses since October which isn't far off the amount removed from storage in that time.




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Kyiv, Dnepropetrovsk, & Kramatorsk are receiving hits.

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Russia bombed a children's oncology hospital this time

Not posting footage obviously, but have seen videos of quite a few of dead kid bodies being pulled out from the site

The specific part of the hospital targeted was the chemo wing.. Killing children suffering from cancer this time, that's a new low even for Russia.

Surely this will result in a successful conclusion of the special military operation
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Russia bombed a children's oncology hospital this time

Not posting footage obviously, but have seen videos of quite a few of dead kid bodies being pulled out from the site

The specific part of the hospital targeted was the chemo wing.. Killing children suffering from cancer this time. Surely this will result in a successful conclusion of the special military operation
Appears a strike on the Ukrainian ministry of infrastructure next door that was intercepted.

We remember the words of support to innocent victims of interception debris given by the Ukrainian government in these trying times and would like to extend them back.


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What is estimate for Ukrainian Casualties? If Russia is firing 10 times more artillery and also dominating the firing of Air Launched Bombs, I would assume there atleast that many casualties on the Ukrainian side as well.
Probably much more than the Russians. I vaguely remember a report from last year that the Ukrainians had already employed 1.8 million people (including the 250k of the pre-war professional army) to serve in the armed forces in the war against Russia. Considering that Ukraine has been talking about a lack of manpower since the counteroffensive failed last year, with military leaders declaring the need for 500k more for the army, the Ukrainian casualty number is certainly huge and perhaps much more than the Russians.

Just to cite as an example, the Russian estimate for Ukrainian casualties in last year's counteroffensive which they emphatically call Operation Citadel 2.0, was being stated somewhere around 166,000. The interesting thing about this is that Russia itself states that the composition of forces for the Ukrainian counteroffensive was 160,000 personnel, divided into 110 battalions, 2,100 tanks and armored vehicles.


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So you continue with this kind of argument. It is pretty obvious the original intent of the SMO was not capturing the whole of Ukraine to begin with.
Similar argument they make to claim Finland won the Winter War. Make up some arbitrary goal for your enemy, that they really having stated anywhere, and since they didn't meet this made up goal, that means they totally lost!.

Interesting that Oryx recorded around 700 Russian tank losses since October which isn't far off the amount removed from storage in that time.
That barrel must be pretty deep, then. How long have they been scrapping it, since October 2022 or so?. Oryx was already questionable, can't imagine now that the guys that actually ran Oryx in the beginning bailed after the "successes" of the Ukranian offensive and left the site to be run "by the community".

Russia bombed a children's oncology hospital this time

Not posting footage obviously, but have seen videos of quite a few of dead kid bodies being pulled out from the site

The specific part of the hospital targeted was the chemo wing.. Killing children suffering from cancer this time, that's a new low even for Russia.

Surely this will result in a successful conclusion of the special military operation

Wouldn't put it past the Ukranians to blow their stuff up and try to draw false equivalence to them and what Israel is doing in Gaza. Not the first time for either of those things, either. Likely an accident considering that if the MVS was the target, as pointed out, it is surrounded by hospitals. A fact probably not lost on Ukrainian leadership

Warning: a severely outlandish claim about a war crime with zero credible evidence. Do not make these crazy claims.

Either way, such a shame whatever turns out to be the case.

Claims about complaints by Ukranian MP Mariana Bezuhla who wants the Ukr Air Force leadership sacked due to an increase of loss of aircraft on the ground, while Russian surveillance UAV's fly unimpeded over airbases. Loss of 2 Patriot batteries that could have been easily prevented if the crews have followed procedure of moving and camouflaging them properly and other air defenses losses

Also that the Ukr Air Force commander is inflating the losses of RuAF aircraft and missiles

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Production of Su-30SM2 fighters and Yak-130 combat trainers at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant.

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Could the Russians consider using the Yak-130 to intercept drones like Ukraine's Yak-52 has been doing?

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Yak-52 Kill Marks Hint At Success In Ukraine’s Drone War​

For the first time, a Ukrainian Yak-52 propeller-driven trainer has appeared with markings that could indicate a string of aerial victories against Russian drones.
It certainly seems like a very effective and low-cost solution to me.

The Yak-130 could be a drone killer/hunter. It could be armed with a gun pod(SNPU-130), an R-73 at each wing tip and a small set of Verba on hardpoints, and some S-5 rocket pods with an S- rocket upgrade. 5Kor (guided), but add a proximity fuse, and the S-5 family already has several FRAG rockets in service, so you could have a mix of FRAG and guided proximity fuse depending on what you're up against, and if you develop one timed fuse, could fire it at a swarm of drones, they already have the S-5M1 which produces 75 shrapnel, S-5MO steel ring frag 360 fragments, S-5KP HEAT/FRAG a shaped charge with wire wrapped fragmentation jacket and finally S-5S flechette which could explode right before the drone and act like a huge shotgun blast firing 1,000 flechettes, which would be good for drone swarms. It could even add a targeting pod and even an EW pod or a laser pod that could be used to kill a drone in a soft-kill mode.

The Russians have been using the Su-30SM to hunt drones in the operational rear, but they could be using the Yak-130 to perform this same function at a much lower cost. The purpose of a multirole Yak-130 would be to free up other aircraft to carry out their missions. There is no need to send a Su-35, Su-30SM or Mig-31 to shoot down a drone if you have a Yak-130 which can easily do the same job but at a much cheaper cost and that would leave the Su -30SM, Su-35 or MiG-31 to standby on-station for more dangerous and more capable targets such as enemy fighters.

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Su-30sm fighter jet of Russian Aerospace Forces destroys enemy UAVs in area of responsibility of Vostok Group of Forces
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Su-30SM fighter jet of Russian Aerospace Forces destroys enemy UAVs in area of responsibility of Tsentr Group of Forces
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Su-30SM fighter jet wipe out enemy unmanned aerial vehicles in area of Zapad Group of Forces.
Russian Defense Ministry by @mod_russia
For Ukraine to use the Yak-52 in this role allows them to free up more capable fighters to carry out other missions. Based on this mode of employment, in my opinion, the EMB-314 Super Tucano A-29A\B from Brazil is one of the possible solutions with regard to the coverage of important stationary objects of the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the operational rear, from of operational-tactical reconnaissance actions and targeting of Iranian UAVs (Geran-1/2 and Arash) and, in general, can intercept such targets in pre-defined zones:

- has two 12.7 mm BUILT-IN machine guns (for Orlan UAVs- Type 10 - enough "for the eyes"), supply of cartridges - 200 for each barrel, in addition, it can carry a 20 mm automatic cannon at the end ventral;

- speed - 520-590 km/h cruising and maximum, perhaps slower, reaching any quite capable enemy reconnaissance UAV;

- has a laser sight and rangefinder;

- the cost of one hour of operation is 500-700 dollars.

The need would be around 10 to 12 units, although the Embraer company usually sells them in batches of 30 units (24 combat + 6 training units).

I think that it would not be difficult to establish patrols of these aircraft in certain areas of the operational rear (for example, in the area of air bases and other important military infrastructure installations).

Can patrol - up to 8 hours (with suspended tanks).

I think that questions may arise only with the detection and targeting of enemy operational-tactical reconnaissance UAVs.

I believe that both sides can benefit from this method of employing less capable aircraft but with a high potential to fulfill certain functions that other fighters perform but at a much higher cost and a certainly disadvantageous risk.
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This might sound like a conspiracy theory, but does anyone think this war is like already staged with who the winners or losers will already be?

Russia stated they have like 700k troops in the operation, but they won't give a rough estimate how much Ukrainian soldiers they think are left or how much Ukraine is able to pull from the mobilization pool a day for the losses they inflict on the Ukrainians.

Ukraine can state how much soldiers they have and how much they can recruit while giving an estimate how much Russian soldiers they think are left or their estimated losses.

Instead, these past 2 years both sides gave us nothing and instead generated a lot of pro-ukraine and pro-russian autists slap fighting each other all over the internet

You can figure out based on the ratio of body exchange between the two sides. The second to the last was 45 Russian bodies to 212 Ukrainian bodies and the last one after that was 35 Russian bodies to 247 Ukrainian bodies. I already posted these before.

By average that's like 5 Ukrainians to 1 Russian and aligns to the 5:1 ratio in both artillery and drone advantage the Russians have. This does not count bodies behind the lines such as caused by FABs and other strikes.

ODAB-500s land on Ukrainian positions in a forest near Volchansk.

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Phenol plant in Niu York burns after arrivals.

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FPV drone hits a Maxxpro.

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Ukrainian defense enterprise, Artem, which makes parts from everything to drones to missiles, gets hit in a missile strike that took out the railway station next to it in Kviv.

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Some Ukrainian drone making workshops were hit.

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Arrivals in Dnipropetrovsk.

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More arrivals in Kviv.

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Third time someone used a TM-62 land mine as a grenade, hurling it to a Ukrainian holdout. These actions with the TM-62 are all occuring in the Russian assault in Niu York.

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Village of Chigari has fallen to the Russians.

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TOS strikes on Niu York.

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Russians are deeper into Torestk than mapping shows. AFU 32nd Brigade firing at high rises and streets it already lost to the Russians.

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Fragments of spent Patriot missiles falling on Kviv. Fragmentation pieces are also found.

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In Kviv three transformer stations were destroyed according to DTEK.

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X-22 missiles hit Pokrovsk, hitting a defense enterprise there.

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Footage of Bradley and the latest Abrams tank taken out now in YouTube. Both occurred close by together in the Pokrovsk-Avdeyevka direction.

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Russian MoD acknowledges recent Patriot launcher and radar kills.

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