The War in the Ukraine


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A Czech Primoco One UAV was shot down for the first time in Ukraine. The UAV was shot down by MANPADS by Russian military personnel of the Bars-10 volunteer detachment over the territory of the former Kakhovka reservoir. The Primoco One UAV was developed by the Czech company Primoco UAV, the flight speed of this drone is up to 150 km/h, the time in the air is up to 15 hours, technical information about it is on the channel.



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Footage of the damaged Russian large landing ship "Minsk", project 775/II, has been published; we have technical information about these ships on our channel. The ship was damaged after an attack on Sevastopol by Ukrainian Storm Shadow cruise missiles, manufactured in Great Britain; information about these missiles is also available on the channel. As you can see in the video, the ship received significant damage and it will take a long time to restore it. On the same day, the diesel submarine B-237 "Rostov-on-Don" of project 636.3 "Varshavyanka" was also damaged; it was in dry dock for repairs. It is not yet known what damage the submarine received, most likely minor since it is protected by a durable hull. Despite the severe damage to the Minsk landing ship, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that both ships would be repaired.



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They lost the moment they started the war. I hold steadfast to my original thesis that even if the war went swimmingly for Russia and they managed to conquer all of Ukraine within 48 hours, they have lost geopolitically.
How do you figure that?

Russia basically no longer even needs the west, economically speaking, their economy has grown and trade with China along with other global south nations whom are all rising and building up is apparently able to replace what they had with the West completely.

This war has proven that Germany would absolutely be crushed in any real war against...well it feels like anyone at this point. Mostly due to the fact that they have allowed themselves to be completely vassalized as an murican puppet state but regardless of why or how they got to this point the fact that they're this badly off is the important part. Germany is unable to manufacture and produce...anything by now in sufficient quantities to either fight a war or to save their economy, their economy is tanking bad because losing Russian oil from Nordstream means every damn thing under the Sun now costs exponentially more since the cost of energy is like the foundation of the cost of everything else. Their populace is wildly unhappy and dissatisfied with their government so the last thing their government needs is a war...unless they want to learn firsthand what all those historical figures who got overthrown felt like when they finally pushed their subjects over the edge.

And the truth is that Germany is the strongest, richest, and most powerful of the EU. You can say France and I would give you that because I don't see much point arguing minute details for now, but the fact remains that if Germany is doing this badly then France, England, Italy, Spain, Poland, Hungary, etc. and others are also suffering too.

The conclusion about the EU here in regards to Russia is that they have effectively been disarmed and declawed by having them waste all their military potential in Ukraine. Russia does not need to fear any sort of counter-attack or counter-war from the EU barring that no spectularly awful scenario happens to them.

Lastly, we now know for a fact basically that Ukraine is practically out of people. Like seriously. They're trying to use a war crime (forcibly extraditing refugees/asylum seekers) from their neighbors because they just have no one else left to fight. The Ukraine will not likely recover until sometime after the end of this whole century. Not the least of reasons for that is because Ukraine was a notoriously corrupt and, quite frankly, shitty country from since the fall of the Soviet Union until 30 years they basically made no progress...arguably they got worse off even. No way they're going to be on the rise now after all of this.

I do agree that certain things could've been done better by Russia, but my personal opinion is that for some unknown reason the Russians when they go to war lately in the last several decades it's like what happens if you take a guy who's seriously not a morning person and then drag him out of bed and force him to do hard work early in the morning. His performance won't get going until this complete and total anti-morning person wakes up later in the day and finally gets going.

I know it sounds kind of informal but that's the only way I can describe it.


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The execution was very sloppy but it is too early to say anything strategic about the Russians. Western aids will not last forever and if Russia manage gain their current territory that will suffice. This is land many times size of Taiwan. Time will tell how long economic set back is but it will not be forever. Then we can compare if the strategic trade is worthy.


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The execution was very sloppy but it is too early to say anything strategic about the Russians. Western aids will not last forever and if Russia manage gain their current territory that will suffice. This is land many times size of Taiwan. Time will tell how long economic set back is but it will not be forever. Then we can compare if the strategic trade is worthy.
That part about the Russians being a non-morning person forced to do morning people stuff is also coming from what happened in Chechnya and even a little bit of what happened in Finland in WW2.

Granted both had some stark differences to today's war.

Russia in the 90's was (technically) a brand new country but one that was absolutely like a man at the lowest point of his life on the verge of suicide hanging on by a thread of a thread...there are documentaries of Russian street orphans and urchins engaging in prostitution and they were clearly not even pre-teens yet. It was awful. Terrible what happened to Russia during that time. Khruschev will go down in history as one of the most hated traitors of all time.

So, admittedly, Russia would not be off to a good start against the Chechnens (or anyone really) for that matter during that time.

And I will also admit that the Soviets vs Finland is different in the sense that, well, the USSR is not the same thing as the Russian Federation, but the same overall 'plotline' if you will happened.

Russians/Soviets off to a bad start like a night owl forcibly dragged outta his bed being put to work and then concluding in a victory that actually lost more for the losers than if they had just conceded in the first place.

Note that I do believe, off the topic of my head, that the initial forces sent into Finland were composed of heavily ethnic Ukrainian units and that that was a reason why they performed so poorly (yes numerous other reasons too...I'm not just hating on the Ukrainians despite their numerous insults to China and now India/Bharat), and these guys were also the reason why Finland still claims to have the 'best' sniper in the world.

Spoiler: Unsurprisingly, it's the usual Western lies and propaganda...all his kills come from his personal journal. A journal that was most definitely in the hands of arguably the most ambitious of propaganda officers who served next to Simo Hahya during that war. And we here on SDF know full well that if there's even a single Atom's worth of truth in a western propaganda literal book then that's already pretty impressive by their standards. Also, Simo counted his SMG and other MG kills as 'sniper' kills...along with whatever other weapons he used.


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Why is Russia not able to pull off any covert commando strikes like how Ukraine attacked various Russian cities?
Question that is based on a false premise as evidenced by the video published on Sep 7 by Rybar team which shows Russian DRGs causing havoc across Sumy and Chernihiv regions.


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Daily dose of frontline mayhem.

Unidentified Ukrainian vehicle or equipment gets swiped by Krasnopol from the 127th Division. This in the Staromayorsky area.

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A column of FPV drones, being mass produced.

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Wrecked AFU BMP-1 in the Artemovosk front.

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Temporary deployment point of the AFU hit by Krasnopol or LMUR. This in Novomikhailovka in South Donetsk. Sources differ on the culprit munition used.

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Unidentified Ukrainian mobile mortar attempting to move through the forest gets a direct hit. This in the Kharkhiv region.

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General Surovikin in Algeria as part of the Russian MoD attache mission there.

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Ka-52M mounting Project 305 LMUR. This taken in Kupyansk.

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ATGM from the Osman special forces unit takes out a Bradley.

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AFU supply truck gets hit by an FPV drone.

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Lancets hit a Ukrainian tank.

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Village of Andriivka reduced to rubble.

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2S31 Vena mobile mortar.

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Ukrainian officials, meanwhile, have pointed out that American forces have themselves never conducted operations on battlefields like Ukraine’s, without air superiority, against a military the size and calibre of Russia’s, and against some of its most advanced weaponry and military technologies. “Show us at least one officer or sergeant in the American army who has fired, for example, 5,000 to 7,000 rounds with this [M777 howitzer],” Viktor, a battery commander in a Ukrainian artillery unit, told the FT in eastern Ukraine in July, referring to the US-supplied weapon that has helped his troops more accurately target Russian forces.
One of the main lessons of the counteroffensive so far, say analysts, is that western training of Ukrainian troops, typically of five weeks, is too short. It is not adapted to the way Ukraine fights best or to conditions on the ground, such as the impenetrable minefields or fortifications. And it takes place without the omnipresent drones hovering over the Ukrainian front lines. “If I only did what [western militaries] taught me, I’d be dead,” says Suleman, a special forces commander in the 78th regiment. He says he had trained with American, British and Polish soldiers, all of whom offered “some good advice” but also “bad advice . . . like their way of clearing trenches. I told them: ‘Guys, this is going to get us killed.’”
This article seems a fair and frank assessment of what’s happening on the ground. I wonder how much the situation would change once F-16s are in the mix.


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More pics of Surovikin in Algeria heading the Russian military delegation.

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Artillery from the 348th MR Regiment nails this AN/TPQ-50 counter battery radar in artillery duels.

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Another destroyed Oshkosh M-ATV in the Donbass region.

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AFU van going fast and furious gets hit by faster FPV drone.

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AFU vehicle parked in the forest line in Rabotino-Verbove area gets hit by FPV drone from the Beaver.

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Two Kornet ATGM shots from the 98th Airborne Division hits at Ukrainian DRGs.

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Artillery from the 291st MF Regiment hits hard at an AFU temporary deployment point in the Orekhiv sector.

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Another LMUR strike at an AFU temporary deployment point at Novomikhailovka in the Ugledar direction. There has been a series of such hits in the area.

FABs being dropped in the Rabotino area.

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Grad and Solintsepek being used on the Rabotino area.

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AFU convoy falls under heavy fire at Urozhayne.

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Camouflaged AFU tank hit by Lancet.

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