The War in the Ukraine


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It’s possible that they are a mix of Rosgvardia and Russian regulars. I don’t remember Wagner operating T-72B3 tanks. They only operated a couple of T-90M’s. For all we know, perhaps some Russian regulars and Rosgvardian troops joined Wagner. It’s going to get confusing initially.


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Man I've almost lost interest in this war and something this juicy happens... I swear if someone wrote this in a novel I would call the author a complete imbecile out of touch with reality and throw the book into the trashcan yet here we are

What is the chance all this is some 4D chess move to faint a opening luring UAF to exploit the situation and BAM ten thousand Wagnars come knocking. I'm just taking the breeze here but if I happened to be right I'll be sure to remind everyone of this post


Registered Member
It’s possible that they are a mix of Rosgvardia and Russian regulars. I don’t remember Wagner operating T-72B3 tanks. They only operated a couple of T-90M’s. For all we know, perhaps some Russian regulars and Rosgvardian troops joined Wagner. It’s going to get confusing initially.

Do the Russians mount MGs onto the back of trucks like the insurgents in the Middle East now?

It seems the things that was said by Prigozhin few days ago about their combat status and constant condemnation towards Shoigu was indeed correct and not some ploy to fooled the Ukrainians and their western allies

There is one thing I am wondering is when did Prigozhin decide this path. Is it possible that the reason why Prigozhin kept whining about the lack of ammunition and munition in Bakhmut was because they were stockpiling supplies for this.

— ——

Prigozhin claimed they shot down 2 helicopters. Tho take this with a grain of salt.



Just Hatched
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Man I've almost lost interest in this war and something this juicy happens... I swear if someone wrote this in a novel I would call the author a complete imbecile out of touch with reality and throw the book into the trashcan yet here we are

What is the chance all this is some 4D chess move to faint a opening luring UAF to exploit the situation and BAM ten thousand Wagnars come knocking. I'm just taking the breeze here but if I happened to be right I'll be sure to remind everyone of this post
Best not to over think events as they unfold, that just leads to conspiracies blooming. As it stands, Wagner is moving into Rostov if they haven't already seizing the city. It's a long running public dispute with the Russian MOD that goes back to events during the Battle for Bahkmut and came to a head with the recent attempt to force Wagner to sign under the Russian MOD.


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Do the Russians mount MGs onto the back of trucks like the insurgents in the Middle East now?

Considering the fact that we saw old T-55’s being pulled out of storage, civilian vehicles being used for logistics, and other unconventional equipment, yes it is very likely Russian forces that aren’t on the front lines are using trucks with mg’s mounted on them.


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<<Continuation of Ukrainian War Developments locked thread>>

After much discussion and against the wishes of some, the final decision has been for a new thread on the Ukrainian War to be opened.

Everybody should be aware that this is a special thread, in response to special circumstances and that a special rule regime will be enforce on this thread and this thread only. These rules will not apply to the rest of the forum.

Additional Rules:

This is a military forum and this thread will be a military thread.

It is a Military Operation thread dealing with:
Events/Movements on the Battlefield
Equipment used and its performance
Debunking propaganda and false claims using actual battlefield based evidence

With regard to Graphic content - meaningful content from the battlefield will almost invariably contain some graphic images, it will often be unavoidable.
Footage with graphic content should not be embedded where it is visible on the Forum itself but only linked to a third party site with appropriate warnings.
Gratuitous footage which has no other value should be avoided.

This thread is not the place to promote propaganda from either side. Where propaganda style claims are made it will be strictly in respect of confirming and debunking actual military events, using primary evidence for that purpose.

Do not go off topic, do not regurgitate history ancient or modern, or diverge into other conflicts that the combatants in Ukraine may have been involved in.
Further guidance will be given as the thread continues and this may include judgement calls on specifics if required.
Overall the aim is to produce a free flowing thread that follows and analyses events without generating unnecessary pages of turgid waffle and squabble.

If people blatantly flaunt the rules, they will face bans
If to many people get overheated in the course of debate, the thread will be closed for an appropriate time to allow for cooling off

I personally hope that members will appreciate the efforts and the compromises that members of the Moderation team have made to allow this thread to start and will respect this and other members accordingly so no bans or closures will be necessary

Finally, as Webmaster has recently posted. There is an opportunity for other members to join the moderator team as special moderators to help manage this thread. If you think you would like to help, please contact the Webmaster directly.

Amendment #1 (09/13/2022 by @Phead128 @LawLeadsToPeace @HereToSeePics @vincent ):

Currently, the War in the Ukraine thread has devolved from a relatively mature discussion to an absolute ultranationalist clusterf**k with little substance. Many users blatantly ignored our numerous warnings and downgraded the discussion to something that is found in 4Chan. Given this dire situation, the moderators for the World Armed Forces decided to establish an additional list of rules and etiquettes that one must follow:

The following are banned:
1. Discussion of Oryx's controversy and flaunting Oryx's numbers as if it is the absolute truth are forbidden. It should instead be treated as a source that is iffy given the fog of war, not as one that is absolutely accurate or as one that is absolutely fake (Ex1: But Oryx said this. Oryx’s numbers show the Russians suck; Ex2: Oryx is a liar and should be shut down). An acceptable statement would be like: “According to Oryx’s numbers, Russia lost X amount of tanks. Assuming that is true, this shows how bad the Russians’ combat performance is in this war”

2. Any politically controversial statements like "Fighting to the last Ukrainian", "Ukro Nazis", and etc.

3. Politics and economics in general are banned (such as "Russia should do full mobilization. Otherwise they will die" or "Let's see what happens when the winter will arrive and freeze the Europeans to death")

4. Sarcastic statements, like “looks like the invaders have decided to regroup eastward” with a picture of burning tanks

5. Dehumanizing statements in general

6. Claims without credible evidence (Ex: I heard Russia suffered 30000 deaths in the past 4 hours)

7. Going off topic that isn’t related with the military aspects of the war (if you believe the discussion you are in is going off topic, let the other person know that and move the discussion elsewhere)

8. Jingoistic chest thumping is banned (Ex: if Russia had 1000 Chinese drones, they will slaughter the Ukrainians; Russia will rise again; the orcs will get destroyed and Putler will die in a bunker like his teacher did)

9. Posting tweets with little to no commentary even if they are self explanatory (even a simple sentence like, “here is a video posted online perhaps by a Ukrainian of a burning tank with Ukrainian markings in Kharkiv”, would not be deleted)

10. Failing to follow proper etiquette:

  • Replying to inflammatory posts and obvious "bait" statements.
  • Failing to use the "multi-qoute" feature and creating multiple individual posts in a short time period - this is discussion board, not a chat room.
  • Not reading through all new posts to the end of the thread before replying to a post others have already replied to.
  • Not adding sources to your post

If we find even a sniff of the above, we will follow the following system:
3 warnings -> 7 day ban -> 2 warnings -> 14 day ban -> 1 warning -> 1 month ban -> 1 warning -> 6 month ban -> 1 year ban -> permanent ban

This forum is not a free-for-all like 4Chan or Reddit. This forum is a discussion board for mature and polite people who seek to exchange views and perspectives and/or provide information. The moderators may have allowed a mini Reddit like section in the Member’s Club section, but this isn’t in that section. All of the members who have been temporarily banned will have their records reset. If you would like to learn how to post properly, please read posts from users such as Blitzo, Deino, MarKoz81, or Patchwork_Chimera. Their posts are excellent examples of the type of posts we should strive to post.

Amendment as of 02.10.2023:

World arms sub forum mods will no longer be as lenient as before. If your post contains the slightest hint of politics or personal attacks, formal warnings and then bans will be given. Please revisit the first page to refamiliarize with the specific rules regarding this Ukraine conflict thread.

That means no terms like “denazification”, “Ukro-nazis”, “orcs”, and other similar politically charged and other dehumanizing language. That means no attacks upon others by being rude to them or making fun of them in general. Once again read the first post of the thread thoroughly prior to posting.

Changes to the warning system:
First offence: 2 week ban
Second offence: 2 month ban
Third offense: 1 year ban
Final offense: permanent ban

We will give warnings before we issue the bans as well. So be sure to take heed of them if we give them to you.

While the drama between Russia's MoD and Prigozhin is extremely intriguing and could affect the war effort, that doesn't mean political discussions, trolling, or inflammatory language is permitted. You can post the news about it here since it is related to the war, but political speculations and trolling is prohibited. Warnings or bans will be handed out if one decides to get bold.
PLEASE READ THIS POST: we had to delete numerous political and off topic posts. Please read the rules above. This is your final and last warning. From here on out, warnings and bans will be issued right off the spot. Think before you post.


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Wagner claims capture of Rostov Army HQ:

That's a long way from Moscow. I wonder what Prigozhin's plan is?
So it looks like the tanks did belong to Wagner. That explains why the recent tweets showed them pointing guns at the building and stacking behind MRAP’s. I wonder if any Rosgvardia and Russian regulars joined them given how Wagner was primarily light infantry.

As for Prigozhin’s plan, let’s avoid speculation for now. The final warning has been given since there has been a flood of speculations that just lead to rabbit holes.