The War in the Ukraine


Lieutenant General
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The operation's goal was never to occupation anything except for the original two unrecognized republics. Additional occupations only happened later, when first stage brought no negotiated settlement.

The parts they're talking about are demilitarization and denazification. Which, while may sound abstract, de-facto means the neutralization of Ukraine and end to its recent nation-building effort...and related careers.

I totally agree, but - quite understandable - this is something Ukraine will never accept.


Lieutenant General
What do you think is going on in this video?

My explanation is: not enough training, no experience and panic.

While this is clearly far below range safety standards, it’s also a war zone and a lot of the ‘bad practice’ shown can be excused as the least worst option.

Driving in front of a friendly’s field of fire is obviously bad, but it looks like the Bradley shooting is trying to lay down suppression fire to cover the retreat of the other Bradley’s, and the gunner stops firing to let them pass, so I will also give it a pass.

You need to remember this is a unit stuck in a minefield while under enemy fire. Going around behind the shooting Bradley means more time under enemy fire and also going off a known safe path into a minefield, which is far more hazardous than trusting in the fire discipline of your team mates.

The only unforgivably stupid act was the wild blind fire after the second Bradley got hit. They are lucky it stopped dead immediately, because if it coasted a few steps that gunner would have unloaded all those rounds right into it and shredded the survivors from whatever took that Bradley out. The shrapnel from so many hits at such close range would probably have taken out a fair few of the grunts already outside taking cover around the vehicles.


Senior Member
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Here's some more videos of this. I agree with pevade and the other tweets, it looks like a custom detonator. I don't think that shape and size is correct for transmitting data to and from those FPV drones.
The wire looks quite stiff, the momentum of the UAV + munition must be needed to deform the wire and close the circuit.

I'd imagine setting up this contraption would go something like this:
1. Set up denotator wire on UAV frame, you can store this in huge quantities since it's just a UAV with a wire loop on it
2. Insert payload, at this point it's still all inert due to no battery and UAV itself is switched off.
3. Insert battery just before launch and power switched on, device is now live and dangerous.