Seems there was a missile strike in Pavlograd rail station
Either they sent lots of missiles or we can clearly hear secundary explosionsSeems there was a missile strike in Pavlograd rail station
They report it as 2 full divisions of S-300 destroyed.Seems there was a missile strike in Pavlograd rail station
Iron Dome was designed to intercept cheap artillery rockets. Think of those as home made Grad rockets. It will be useless against Shaheds or cruise missiles. The Shaheds and cruise missiles can change direction unlike artillery rockets. In order to protect from air attacks, Israel has multiple layered air defense systems. Iron Dome is just one of those systems. They also have David's Sling for intercepting aircraft, which is what you would use against Shaheds or cruise missiles, and Arrow for intercepting ballistic missiles. David's Sling would likely work against those kinds of weapons but it is too expensive to use against a Shahed. Each interceptor missile of David's Sling costs over a million dollars.I think the Israeli AA would simply supplement long range air defense, not replace it. Iron Dome has already proven itself via 1000+ interceptions of rockets, they don't need to be everywhere, just near critical infrastructure to save the big missiles for VKS aircraft, such systems would pretty much completely nullify the effect of Shaheds and cruise missiles had on the power grid earlier in the war, but since Ukraine is already running critically low on s-300 ammo, it makes little difference now.
A fuel tank is quite a soft target... these little drones are quite nice to bring havoc on these.Its actually insane how that tiny little warhead can cause so much damage.
Have your Donbas folks always been overwhelmingly anti-Russian?
In your view, does it seem like Russia lost a huge amount of support in Ukraine between 2014 and 2022? For example in 2014, there was a pretty big openly pro-Russian grouping in Kharkov. You had lots of photos of people occupying government buildings while waving Russian flags back in the day.
However, in 2022, when the Russians entered Kharkov in the first days of the war, almost no one turned up to support them. We know the Russians do still have substantial support in Donbas, but it doesn't seem like as much as it was back in 2014. And the resistance, of course, is much greater. What, in your view, is the reason for this?
Young brown man going to fight in Syria, Iraq and other Islamic places where called ''jihadis'' and other extremist labels. Young Europoid males from North America, Australia and Western Europe taking up the guns in Ukraine against the Russian ''orcs'' seem to be hailed as ''brave'' men in the same circles.
Another example of the same phenomenon. This Europoid male is even immortal for his deeds. Brown males going to fight in Iraq and Syria are extremist and bad.
The problem with OSINT "analysis" is that they are generally heavily skewed due to their biase. They only show and tell what conforms to their biases and nothing else.Oh boy, I had to torture myself and I went to straight to the "Sanctions" part, which is one of the few things we have somewhat true data (since Russia is quite open about their numbers)
He had to mention January and February deficits, which were in fact what the Russian Central Bank say would happen since:
1 - Initial impact of price cap would be felt
2 - Changes in the budget transfers were to be made, many transfers of funds were made in the begining of the year instead of through the year.
It is 30 April and the documentary is 6h old, so IF this was a REAL documentary, he could have made a quick look into ANY russian newspapper and surprise surprise:
View attachment 111839
March is back into "profit" just as central bank predicted.
I could go on about how 90% of this "OSINT" guys forgot the "I" somewhere.
Soon we will have preliminary data on April, but his narrative, was literally born outdated and fake.