The War in the Ukraine


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Lancet takes out an Osa air defense system.

Ukrainian centimeter wave height finding radar PRV-16 got taken out by Russian RPG at close range. The PRV-16 is an antique Cold War era radar but this one should be a modernized one. How it got into a position to be taken out by RPG is beyond me. Maybe the frontline mapping is wrong to a large degree.

it was some kind of spetnazs infiltration unit I read in a Russian channel


Banned Idiot
Registered Member
About the AA missiles I am sure most is disinformation. By now Ukraine should have at least 70% of the stock needed for the coming offensive.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Any idea which months is optimal for a spring or summer offensive in Ukraine as far as ground movement is concerned?


If Ukraine didn't spend so much resource of defending Bakhmut, I would think the Spring offensive would have begun a few weeks ago. Remember Russia started their campaign late Feb last year. I don't think mud is as decisive factor as some people made it out to be.


Registered Member
When Russia started the SMO in February the ground was still mostly frozen. When it thawed they lost a lot of wheeled vehicles and the whole offensives stalled. So yes the mud was a factor. It is also the main reason why they have to restrain their travel across the limited roads available, which makes attacking military columns easier.