The War in the Ukraine


Sounds like it was done on purpose, you don't accidentally collide with the prop of a Reaper that easily. The articles also mention the Su-27 was trying to disturb the MQ-9's flight by discharging fuel and flares infront of it before the collisio.

So, they basically shot down the drone in a way that offers plausible deniability about the intent
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"'Several times before the collision, the Su-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9 in a reckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional manner,” the US statement said. “This incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional.'

'Our MQ-9 aircraft was conducting routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft, resulting in a crash and complete loss of the MQ-9,' Gen James Hecker, the US Air Force commander for Europe and Africa, said. “In fact, this unsafe and unprofessional act by the Russians nearly caused both aircraft to crash.'"

LOLOL But it didn't; it caused your aircraft to crash and the Russian aircraft to be fine, hence perfect competence. Now if the Flanker went down, either with the drone or somehow without, that would be incompetent. Basically, when the US says, "unsafe, reckless, and/or unprofessional," it means it was skillfully executed and very effective at being bad for America.


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"'Several times before the collision, the Su-27s dumped fuel on and flew in front of the MQ-9 in a reckless, environmentally unsound and unprofessional manner,” the US statement said. “This incident demonstrates a lack of competence in addition to being unsafe and unprofessional.'

'Our MQ-9 aircraft was conducting routine operations in international airspace when it was intercepted and hit by a Russian aircraft, resulting in a crash and complete loss of the MQ-9,' Gen James Hecker, the US Air Force commander for Europe and Africa, said. “In fact, this unsafe and unprofessional act by the Russians nearly caused both aircraft to crash.'"

LOLOL But it didn't; it caused your aircraft to crash and the Russian aircraft to be fine, hence perfect competence. Now if the Flanker went down, either with the drone or somehow without, that would be incompetent. Basically, when the US says, "unsafe, reckless, and/or unprofessional," it means it was very effective at being bad for America.

...but if the aircraft collided as implied by this report, that wouldn't competent since the pilot risked loosing their own aircraft lmao! Why do you think pilots tend to avoid colliding with other aircraft in the air?


...but if the aircraft collided as implied by this report, that wouldn't competent since the pilot risked loosing their own aircraft lmao! Why do you think pilots tend to avoid colliding with other aircraft in the air?
I don't know what exactly happened or how the Flanker managed to down another jet with a collision that did not also down his own. American media is often just plain wrong, but from what was said, I imagine the Russian pilot understood which part of his aircraft was strong enough to shatter a propeller without being shredded by it, and skillfully aimed that part into the MQ-9's propeller to down it without sacrificing his own aircraft. Certainly an incredibly skilled pilot if that is the case. If it was dumb luck and he accidentally made contact then had to get his hobbled fighter back to base, which survived despite taking serious damage, then it's incompetent.


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I don't know what exactly happened or how the Flanker managed to down another jet with a collision that did not also down his own. American media is often just plain wrong, but from what was said, I imagine the Russian pilot understood which part of his aircraft was strong enough to shatter a propeller without being shredded by it, and skillfully aimed that part into the MQ-9's propeller to down it without sacrificing his own aircraft. Certainly an incredibly skilled pilot if that is the case. If it was dumb luck and he accidentally made contact then had to get his hobbled fighter back to base, which survived despite taking serious damage, then it's incompetent.
In no way would you purposefully risk your aircraft to take down a fucking mq-9, stop acting like this pilot is some genius for colliding with a drone in international airspace, he’ll be reprimanded.


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So, mid air collision but somehow SU-27 is not go down too?

May be that MQ-9 is collied with some object like 30mm or R27 but US want to save face and being vague?
how would the US save face by hiding the fact that it got shot down? It’s no secret that reapers are vulnerable to 30mm cannons.

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Greyzone, a channel affiliated with Wagner claims that they intend to compress Ukrainian forces against the Donets canal which runs through Chasiv Yar

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"If you take a quick look at the map, we can assume that Wagner decided to stretch the flank to create an artificial operational environment along a natural water barrier - the Seversky Donets-Donbas water channel."

Ukriane claims 7 Brigades, 1 battalion north of Chasiv Yar

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Force composition in the city has changed:

3 brigades regulars, 2 battalions regulars, 1 battalion Spetznaz, 1 brigade 'Volkstrum'. The other Volksturm brigade is gone now.

Ivaniske front:

2 brigades, 3 battalions regulars


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how would the US save face by hiding the fact that it got shot down? It’s no secret that reapers are vulnerable to 30mm cannons.
On top of that (unless I am mistaken), haven't various US drones been shot down / taken down via hacking/em in the past and the US openly admitted it?


Registered Member
how would the US save face by hiding the fact that it got shot down? It’s no secret that reapers are vulnerable to 30mm cannons.
On top of that (unless I am mistaken), haven't various US drones been shot down / taken down via hacking/em in the past and the US openly admitted it?

If the US said Russian shot it down instead of a collision then there will be calls and pressure for the West to response in a more direct manner. That would increase the risk of a conventional or nuclear war in the worst case. Not to mention that it could be politically damaging for politicians if they don’t response. Saying it collided provides a way out for everyone assuming it didn’t get shot down.


The Russian MOD is saying they didn’t shoot or came into contact with the drone.
