The War in the Ukraine


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We aren't sure VKS did launch Kinzhals.
It's confirmed by Russian and Ukrainian officials that hypersonic Kinzhals were part of the recent missile barrage. (
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There was a long-exposition photo of the launch of precisely 6 Iskander ballistic missiles yesterday.
That's interesting, 6 kinzhals, 6 Iskanders, 6 Kh-59s... what is the symbolism of the 6-6-6 lol

Can you share the images? Are these the same images you are referring to?


What happened to the Chechens? We no longer hear about them anymore. Did they demobilize or die? The last time we heard about them in a big way was summer last year when Russia was attacking lyman. Now we hear more about wagner but not about the Chechens
Probably because Chechens were exposing their own locations with too much internet/social media use. Their building was hit by HIMARS in October with large casualties that even Kadryov admitted was true. Since then, they likely strictly enforced no social media and mobile cellphone usage policy.

Here is a very recent article about how OSINT is used to identify Russian soldier locations:
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It's confirmed by Russian and Ukrainian officials that hypersonic Kinzhals were part of the recent missile barrage. (
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That's interesting, 6 kinzhals, 6 Iskanders, 6 Kh-59s... what is the symbolism of the 6-6-6 lol

Can you share the images? Are these the same images you are referring to?


Probably because Chechens were exposing their own locations with too much internet/social media use. Their building was hit by HIMARS in October with large casualties that even Kadryov admitted was true. Since then, they likely strictly enforced no social media and mobile cellphone usage policy.

Here is a very recent article about how OSINT is used to identify Russian soldier locations:
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Last recent videos of the Chechens --- I posted them --- show them fighting around heavily forested areas, which is either Spirne, Belgohorivka or Kremennaya. In particular the Akhmat brigade. Last video shows a couple of them trained and using FPV drone attacks. Another recent video shows new recruits. Kadyrov himself leads all the Russian Telegram channels with over 3 million followers. In contrast Rybar gets over 1 million and Wargonzo has 1.3 million. Wagner's own Telegram channel the Grey Zone only has over 400k followers.

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Why doesn't VKontakte itself scrub the metadata from the images it hosts?

You can geolocate based on the image of the background. A good example is a Ukrainian recruit took selfies of himself with a whole bunch of other recruits. The Russians geolocated the background to that of a school and sent an Iskander at it.

Mapping OSINT social media bloggers can do this on their own and all the time based on the videos being posted. This is one of the important sources for mapping the front lines and changes to them, often just based on the artillery and drone footage.

More Chechens coming in.

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Russians are placing more troops in the north in Kharkiv to take advantage of the vacuum that the AFU left by withdrawing troops in that region to defend Bakhmut.
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Russians have been preparing defensive positions in the Zaporizhzhia region for weeks, according to satellite images. So the Russians prepare for the Ukrainian offensive to take place in Zaporizhzhia:
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In Transnistria it was reported that the Russians mined the entry sites for the AFU and armed Transnistria troops with equipment from Kolbasna, as well as laying enough explosives to detonate the warehouse in the event of a successful AFU invasion. Considering Transnistria and Russian troops, there are about 20 thousand, basically light infantry with meager armor resources and moderate artillery, but I think it is enough to stop an AFU invasion.

In Kherson, the Russians continue to bomb uninterruptedly and Spetsnaz troops have mined the entire coast of the Dniper, in addition to the motorized brigades creating defense lines on the Crimean coast, with trenches and minefields.

It seems that the Russians have been learning from the successful Ukrainian offensive in Kharkiv, preparing all possible fronts where there could be a Ukrainian offensive while maintaining the offensive at some points.

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T-72B4 in testing for delivery. Probably a model from one of the lots. From the firing system, it looks like the model modernized at the Ural factory, as you can see the Sosna-U and the weather system.
It is quoted that the Russians removed 800 T-62M from stock to modernize and this is false, known to be false for months. The factory in the east that will modernize 800 combat tanks is also modernizing T-72B to T-72B4 standard - but instead of Sosna-U, they are receiving the same thermal as T-62M and T-80BV, they even delivered a batch of T -72B4 and T-80BVM this year out of there. Another upgrade is that the commander has a CITV, with the same thermal optronics used for the shooter, but it is not stabilized. There is no exact number of how many are modernized for each one, but they are not just T-62M, there is video of them modernizing T-72 and T-80. In addition, Ural is manufacturing new T-90M, modernizing T-90A to T-90S standard and also modernizing T-72B3 and B3M to T-72B4 standard.

Furthermore, in recent hours it has been reported that the AFU is concentrating 20 Brigades in the Bakhmut region with the intention of provoking a counter-offensive to liberate the city. There would be about 50,000 troops, with several brigades with the existing ones that were able to leave the city, so they must have reduced capacities.

To be successful, the AFU will have to target Soledar and Krasna Hora, to control the high ground so that it can release its troops from the city.

PMC Wagner has worked to expand the pocket zone around the city, recently liberating some villages and has acted in a fragmented way within the city. Currently there is already fighting around the city and all over the city, on the east bank of the Bakhmutka River, the whole area controlled by Wagner.

In my opinion, there is a high probability of being real, as it is known that the AFU has been concentrating brigades in the region, whether the reserves directly in the city or the professional brigades in the surroundings, without practically having the proper recovery.

If it occurs, it fatally compromises a spring or summer offensive. It will have to be delayed by months or the AFU will have to risk an offensive without having the minimum troops to complete the objective, even if that offensive is successful in Bakhmut.

Another problem is that perhaps there is a disproportion of troops in favor of the AFU. Last I saw, there were between Special Ops and Wagner troops in the area of about 70-80 thousand. Even if the AFU tries a Wedge formation, it will have to create several diversionary attacks, but even so, it is always possible to understand that the obvious thing is to recover Krasna Hora and Soledar. Thus, Wagner will have enough troops to freeze expansion within the city and focus on defense.

Even Russians in general seem to have learned a lot from urban combat and the importance of relentless security around the city, which are even more important than events within the city itself.

Whether it will happen, I don't know, but the fact is that the AFU has accumulated more and more troops in the region.


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Iran would have proven that it can supply at least 1 month of artillery ammunition to the Russians every 2 months, as is the case with the two ships flying the Russian flag in January, with the capacity to carry 300,000 artillery shells and 1 million small arms each, totaling a very high supply potential for Russia, considering that it still has stocks and production of these ammunition, perhaps even China should be supplying the Russians. This is all according to Sky News

Recently I have seen a number of mainstream journalists and pundits already starting to question whether it is still viable to support Zelensky and how much of a strategic situation this offers for NATO, especially for the US, while China is establishing itself in Africa, Latin America and Asia, especially in the Middle East, now with Saudi Arabia and Iran reconciling.

What I see of neutral opinions or criticism of Ukraine in the mainstream is the West's waste of resources on Bakhmut and now perhaps an offensive in the region. Most likely the losses of the AFU in the region must have been catastrophic, not only in terms of numbers, but mainly for employing their best troops, exchanging important casualties in their ranks for casualties on the side of the Russians who are basically prisoners and mercenaries, in addition to volunteers.

Wagner is many steps behind the elite troops of the Russians, especially the VDV, which in all combats so far, has been at a high numerical disadvantage and still managed to perform successes, unlike Wagner who had a large majority against the AFU in the Bakhmut region.

The Russians kept their best troops out of major engagements, with the exception of the MPR at Ugledar and a VDV troop and motorized troops at Kremmina-Svatove. Troops like Spetnaz, other VDV, reserves and troops in training, receiving the modernized Ts variants are in reserve, out of action.

What is professional about Ukraine are the 11,000 who are completing training in NATO countries, which is ridiculously low for an offensive in the spring, in fact one that may not even be by the AFU's own will, given that it is practically a NATO offensive. Ukraine is under pressure to launch a counteroffensive, even if it may not have the best capacity to mobilize good troops for such an operation.

I see that if such a Bakhmut offensive takes place, along with the spring one and they are unsuccessful, I see that several NATO leaderships have begun to "declare victory" and progressively withdraw from Ukraine. Without NATO support, Ukraine will not have the slightest chance of resisting the Russians, who still have a lot of material in their reserves and are now receiving ammunition by the hundreds of tons from Iran and will probably receive it from China.

Some are saying that the Russians replaced the Sosna-U and PMT second-generation Catherine optics on both the T-72B3 and T-90M with Iranian or possibly Chinese second- or third-generation optics, while the 1PN96MT-02 (T- 62MV+, T-72B4 model 130 BTRZ and T-80BVM) would have components produced in Belarus but now being produced entirely in eastern Russia.

In short: depending on the results, we may see more and more decisive support from Iran and China in favor of the Russians and less and less from NATO for Ukraine, not least because NATO in Europe is practically running out of stock.

Tanks, for example, NATO in Europe will only be able to send Leopard 1, TR-85, PT-91 and perhaps some remaining Leopard 2A4s, as the best existing Leopard 2A5, 2A6 and Challenger II are being modernized to standards that will most likely countries will not defer to Ukraine if it is unsuccessful with the currently shipped shipment, so they will not ship Challenger 3, Leopard 2A7 or Leopard PL.

The only one that will be able to maintain a regular shipment of material will be the USA, whether sending equipment from its stocks, such as M1 and even M60, in addition to M113, Bradley and the like, or even acquiring Soviet MBTs from other countries, as they say is the case of Morocco send a few dozen T-72s to Ukraine.

I don't see it difficult for Russia to end up operating Chinese components in its tanks, such as APS(GL-5?) - there was even an acceleration in the development of the Arena-M, scheduled for 2024 - optronic components, drones and even equipment with reverse engineering, such as Javelin and NLAW, which would be a huge boost for the Russians as NATO will begin operating the Trophy, making their MBTs immune to Russian ATGMs, but still vulnerable to high-angle Top-Attack weaponry. Such NATO equipment is already being shipped to Iran and even Russian companies for evaluation and reverse engineering.


Registered Member
Some are saying that the Russians replaced the Sosna-U and PMT second-generation Catherine optics on both the T-72B3 and T-90M with Iranian or possibly Chinese second- or third-generation optics, while the 1PN96MT-02 (T- 62MV+, T-72B4 model 130 BTRZ and T-80BVM) would have components produced in Belarus but now being produced entirely in eastern Russia.
I already said this here. The Russians have been able to make their own tank thermal sights for many years already. They were originally buying them from France, then they did licensed production with some French components, but eventually they made their own sights.
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"13 June 2013
Krasnogorsky Zavod, manufacturer of the famous Zenit cameras and part of the Shvabe holding company, has developed a new sight system for tanks which can find its target in total darkness at a range of up to 4km.

The system is unique in that it has been assembled entirely from Russian parts and is based on Orion’s 100% Russian-made matrix with one-of-a-kind 640x512 pixel resolution.

This innovative system can only be fitted to the T-72, T-80 and T-90 tanks.
He also stated that Krasnogorsky Zavod viewed the Agat-MDT as an intermediate product and that it was continuing to develop optical-mechanical systems for future tanks.

Vladimir Gutenev, first deputy chairman of the State Duma’s Committee for Industry, told Izvestiya that the creation of the Agat meant that Russian tank manufacturers would no longer have to rely on imported thermal imaging devices.

“Up until now, the export version of the T-90 had been fitted with thermal imaging devices by Thales of France. The Agat meets the same specifications. The Shvabe holding company, which includes Krasnogorsky Zavod, is now filling a niche market for these devices. This is a huge step forward, making us competitive in the market for these rather expensive pieces of equipment,” Gutenev said.
According to Krasnogorsky Zavod, the Agat-MDT commander’s combined target sight system with the Russian thermal imaging device will be able to detect and identify moving and non-moving enemy targets at a range of up to 4km, measure the distance to a target with its laser rangefinder and aim the shot from the tank’s cannon or gun."

The notion Russia needed the French thermal sights for the tanks was a huge misnomer, just like Ukraine's idea that Russia needed their turbine engines to make cruise missiles. Russia has replaced those components a long time ago.

I don't see it difficult for Russia to end up operating Chinese components in its tanks, such as APS(GL-5?) - there was even an acceleration in the development of the Arena-M, scheduled for 2024 - optronic components, drones and even equipment with reverse engineering, such as Javelin and NLAW, which would be a huge boost for the Russians as NATO will begin operating the Trophy, making their MBTs immune to Russian ATGMs, but still vulnerable to high-angle Top-Attack weaponry. Such NATO equipment is already being shipped to Iran and even Russian companies for evaluation and reverse engineering.
Russia needs drones, encrypted radios, and some infantry equipment like thermal sights. I also think China could supply them with intel based on their own reconnaissance satellite network.
The Javelin is kinda meh really. It is basically obsolete at this point, especially the sensor. As for the NLAW I am still to see a single video where it was effective. The Ukrainians seem to have had way more success using their own Stugna ATGM from what I saw.


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Iran would have proven that it can supply at least 1 month of artillery ammunition to the Russians every 2 months, as is the case with the two ships flying the Russian flag in January, with the capacity to carry 300,000 artillery shells and 1 million small arms each, totaling a very high supply potential for Russia, considering that it still has stocks and production of these ammunition, perhaps even China should be supplying the Russians. This is all according to Sky News

Recently I have seen a number of mainstream journalists and pundits already starting to question whether it is still viable to support Zelensky and how much of a strategic situation this offers for NATO, especially for the US, while China is establishing itself in Africa, Latin America and Asia, especially in the Middle East, now with Saudi Arabia and Iran reconciling.

What I see of neutral opinions or criticism of Ukraine in the mainstream is the West's waste of resources on Bakhmut and now perhaps an offensive in the region. Most likely the losses of the AFU in the region must have been catastrophic, not only in terms of numbers, but mainly for employing their best troops, exchanging important casualties in their ranks for casualties on the side of the Russians who are basically prisoners and mercenaries, in addition to volunteers.

Wagner is many steps behind the elite troops of the Russians, especially the VDV, which in all combats so far, has been at a high numerical disadvantage and still managed to perform successes, unlike Wagner who had a large majority against the AFU in the Bakhmut region.

The Russians kept their best troops out of major engagements, with the exception of the MPR at Ugledar and a VDV troop and motorized troops at Kremmina-Svatove. Troops like Spetnaz, other VDV, reserves and troops in training, receiving the modernized Ts variants are in reserve, out of action.

What is professional about Ukraine are the 11,000 who are completing training in NATO countries, which is ridiculously low for an offensive in the spring, in fact one that may not even be by the AFU's own will, given that it is practically a NATO offensive. Ukraine is under pressure to launch a counteroffensive, even if it may not have the best capacity to mobilize good troops for such an operation.

I see that if such a Bakhmut offensive takes place, along with the spring one and they are unsuccessful, I see that several NATO leaderships have begun to "declare victory" and progressively withdraw from Ukraine. Without NATO support, Ukraine will not have the slightest chance of resisting the Russians, who still have a lot of material in their reserves and are now receiving ammunition by the hundreds of tons from Iran and will probably receive it from China.

Some are saying that the Russians replaced the Sosna-U and PMT second-generation Catherine optics on both the T-72B3 and T-90M with Iranian or possibly Chinese second- or third-generation optics, while the 1PN96MT-02 (T- 62MV+, T-72B4 model 130 BTRZ and T-80BVM) would have components produced in Belarus but now being produced entirely in eastern Russia.

In short: depending on the results, we may see more and more decisive support from Iran and China in favor of the Russians and less and less from NATO for Ukraine, not least because NATO in Europe is practically running out of stock.

Tanks, for example, NATO in Europe will only be able to send Leopard 1, TR-85, PT-91 and perhaps some remaining Leopard 2A4s, as the best existing Leopard 2A5, 2A6 and Challenger II are being modernized to standards that will most likely countries will not defer to Ukraine if it is unsuccessful with the currently shipped shipment, so they will not ship Challenger 3, Leopard 2A7 or Leopard PL.

The only one that will be able to maintain a regular shipment of material will be the USA, whether sending equipment from its stocks, such as M1 and even M60, in addition to M113, Bradley and the like, or even acquiring Soviet MBTs from other countries, as they say is the case of Morocco send a few dozen T-72s to Ukraine.

I don't see it difficult for Russia to end up operating Chinese components in its tanks, such as APS(GL-5?) - there was even an acceleration in the development of the Arena-M, scheduled for 2024 - optronic components, drones and even equipment with reverse engineering, such as Javelin and NLAW, which would be a huge boost for the Russians as NATO will begin operating the Trophy, making their MBTs immune to Russian ATGMs, but still vulnerable to high-angle Top-Attack weaponry. Such NATO equipment is already being shipped to Iran and even Russian companies for evaluation and reverse engineering.
No way China will provide Russia lethal aid. doing that means forfeiting its relatively transcendent position.

this bakhmut battle is basically the decisive engagement now, will there be a bigger battle later on in the summer? i dont know, but given how much is being thrown at bakhmut now, i would not be surprised that this one dwarves whatever comes up later on. both sides will likely expend huge amount of manpower and materiel, and exhaust themselves before the ground hardens. who knows the carnage might even give some impetus to peace talks.