The War in the Ukraine


Junior Member
albeit increasingly integrated with the country's air warning system. Gepard, Aspide, Crotale, Hawk, NASAMS and IRIS-T already are. As we know more will come...
How is Ukraine integrating these systems with the national early warning system, I would assume that's almost an impossible task with so many different systems from different nations. Setup a nation wide integrated system is both expensive and time consuming even during peace time.


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A tank gun can shoot at 1500 m/s, far faster than a cruise missile. this with proper positioning and gun elevation a tank can also shoot down cruise missiles, by your logic.
That’s just a dumb comparison, a manpads Is meant to shoot down airtargets, shooting down a subsonic cruise missile is perfectly possible. I don’t understand why we’ve spend the past couple pages of this thread talking about how many manpads ukraine would need to form a bubble around kyiv. It’s not ever going to be their primary anti-cruise missile weapon.


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Not to mention, a massive pain in the arse to transport since they are ridiculously dense and heavy after being filled with oil.

Indeed. Due to their massive size and weight the large transformers used at power plants need a special railcar called a Schnabel Car to transport; and there's only 29 in active service within Europe. In addition I would think that the owners of such cars would be reluctant to lease them for use in an active war zone.


Junior Member
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How is Ukraine integrating these systems with the national early warning system, I would assume that's almost an impossible task with so many different systems from different nations. Setup a nation wide integrated system is both expensive and time consuming even during peace time.
Well ideally they’d just have their associated radars running all the time right? They can just engage targets as they come.

obj 705A

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I haven't been following the conflict for like a month now, so anything new? There was talk of a major Russian winter offensive, did it ever happen? Or are the Russians still advancing backwards while claiming to kill a bazillion Ukrainians daily?


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Meant it in a way of the payload being enough to knock it down reliably, hence my example with the drones.

Although as you point out, with the right positioning you could take out a cruise missile with anything, as long it isn't the hypersonic kind.
I mean uhh yeah a cruise missile is just a low flying subsonic jet . The stinger was made to kill ground attack craft traveling in the same velocity and altitude profile. Saying it can shoot down cruise missiles is like saying it shoots down helos and jets ..


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Weather in Ukraine is at 5-7 degree Celsius. The ground turned into mud. Terrain conditions are pretty poor to make an offensive. Assuming the Russians even wanted to make one. Winter is milder than usual. It was only at sub-zero for less than a week which was not enough for the ground to harden to a point you can traverse with tanks through it.


New Member
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I haven't been following the conflict for like a month now, so anything new? There was talk of a major Russian winter offensive, did it ever happen? Or are the Russians still advancing backwards while claiming to kill a bazillion Ukrainians daily?

Its not yet the ideal time for another offensive as the ground is still mud that even causes problems for tracked vehicles. The Russians have been focusing on reinforcement of their lines with poorly trained and equipped conscripts and mercenaries. While unfortunate for the ones sent to the front lines, it has worked to stabilize the lines and grind down Ukrainian forces in a war of attrition. Even the Ukrainians have started to admit this.

The fortunate Russian conscripts have not been immediately sent to the meat grinder and are in Russia or Belarus being trained to function as a more effective fighting force. Russia has been sending a lot of armor and support vehicles to Belarus and to the front. Now what they actually are planning to do in the future is worth at least twenty years so we all wait until that moment unless NATO/Ukraine decides to share with everyone else.


Registered Member
Russians cruise missile smacked hotel alleged to house foreign military advisers.

Cruise missile plunging to it's target.

Russian tank firing at stuff in Bakhmut.

Ukrainian 2S9 Nona being examined. Doesn't look recoverable.

This is likely at some high ground in or near Bakhmut the Russians are using as an artillery point.



Registered Member
Its not yet the ideal time for another offensive as the ground is still mud that even causes problems for tracked vehicles. The Russians have been focusing on reinforcement of their lines with poorly trained and equipped conscripts and mercenaries. While unfortunate for the ones sent to the front lines, it has worked to stabilize the lines and grind down Ukrainian forces in a war of attrition. Even the Ukrainians have started to admit this.

The fortunate Russian conscripts have not been immediately sent to the meat grinder and are in Russia or Belarus being trained to function as a more effective fighting force. Russia has been sending a lot of armor and support vehicles to Belarus and to the front. Now what they actually are planning to do in the future is worth at least twenty years so we all wait until that moment unless NATO/Ukraine decides to share with everyone else.
Problem is from miltary tactic point the target is to overstretch the Ukrainan/NATO military.

Means they will move along the full border of Belorus/Russia the units, creating strategic ambiguity about they intent.

and at the same time practice the moving of the troops fast and effeicient.

Most likelly at the same time all unit commander has to make different plans for attack, to make confuse the spies.

and the timing and place of the attack is most likelly randomly determined.

if I am the person in charge of the operation then I would define a daily percentage chance to start the attack, another one for the place of attack, and define a probablity field .

like the chance of attack is 5% per day in January, 8% per day in feb, 3% per day in March, place is 20% Belorus, 40% Russia, 40% doneck/luhansk.

And of course the unit commanders has to behave like the attack happens appart from if the daily attack dice say NO they stay in ready state.

Afterwards on every day roll a dice, and decide the next step based on the dice.