What made you think that the shredded CHT-02D has no shroud ? Any pics in it's entirety ? Are we informed where that torpedo was found ? NO, it was simply presented and "see the marking are the same as the ones found years ago". Nothing more. We are not even 100% sure, if it's that torpedo that sink the SK ship, either than SK says so.
Normally, in such incident, a map with the location of where it was found in relation to the wreck are usually presented. just like where the two wreck was found. It did not happened this time.
In any case, how do you explain presence of the german metallic debris and chemical residue. NK industry isn't that great to be able to produce metallurgy and compound, being able to be identified as german. Those foreign experts involved in the investigation of the wreck, identified the trace elements. While that corroded torpedo, we knew little about their involvement.
There were regiments of UN foreign inspectors before iraq was invaded, yet, we were all made to believe they have nukes and could deploy in 45mins. Or those advanced super-notes that were found originated from Japan, yet we were all made to think that it was NK, who couldn't even forge the won properly.
If it was indeed a "Friendly fire", the present SK adminstration is finished. I wouldn't be surprised that they would go "self preservation" mode. US was in that joint exercise, and the many south Korean isn't very keen with US militray presence. Going along with it is in US interest.
But what's in it for NK ? Nothing. Why is NK even demanding that they want access to the evidence ? Instead of cliaming victory like in the past, not only they denying it, they want to prove themselve innocent. Something is really off.