Mr T
Senior Member
Those countries are not directly involved, which is all the more suspicious because they definitely have something to gain by supporting the US and nothing to lose.
So what did the US offer them? Come on, let's see your evidence of bribery. Oh wait, there's never any evidence with conspiracies other than "suspicions" is there?
As for what they had to lose, if their respective governments had forced the experts to lie and been found out there'd be a massive uproar in those countries - especially in Sweden with its strong neutral streak - that could topple the administrations. In truth there'd be little to gain and everything to lose.
Considering NK is denying the accusations it could be a rogue commander who acted independently (The Sum of All Fears anyone?)
The Sum of All Fears is a film - it's fiction. The North Korean leadership is not known for its independent thinking. If someone signed off on this by themselves they'd be for the chopper. Only Kim Il-Jung could have approved something like this, though I'm sure he'd find a scapegoat if he had to.