You have to consider other factors than just the pure military actions. If Israel would have attacked there with full power, Even the inpotent EU would have done something, and even USA would have had to react. As much as they allow killingstreams, even they have the limits for operations like that. Not to mention about what would have Syria or Iran had done If IDF would tryed to invade Lebanon entirely.
But if we play along the mindgame, where generals (gathered in their black masses
) would have had free hands to conduct the operation, still the IDF would have not succeeded as well they might have toughted. Against gurelliawarfare, you just cannot win, if the enemy keeps fighting. Look what happened in Vietnam, In Agfanistan (with soviets) and now in Iraq...Yeas the IDF can invade entire Lebanon, but they cannot prevent constant casualities, they woundn't be able to prevent the Hezbollahs operations, and ultimately, they would have to withdraw, like happened in Vietnam, in Agfanistan and will happen in Iraq.
Israel is, regradless of it's huge megalomania army, a small country and with limited recources. To wage this "un-politically" led full war with slogans like: "You fight to win and to kill the enemy" would mean years of devoting and that would ruin the entire economy of Israel. The hatred towards Israel would increase among the neighbours, Palestinians extremegroups would be solidar towards their comrades and wage similar war (tough bit uneffectiv than) that hezbollah is doing inside Israel. Superpowers have almoust fallen their doom in that sort of scenarios, what makes you think Israel could achive in it??
What's the best way to win a devoted enemy fighting with gurrelian warfare??, medicin and basic humarights to the ones that support the gurrelians...Why there isen't similar wars flaming in Baskilands and Northern Ireland?? Becouse the normal people have far better change of everyday living and they have no need to support extremist..
So as much as I may have against politcans who starts wars in general, in this situation I must confess that they least have some sense left in them...
But if we play along the mindgame, where generals (gathered in their black masses
Israel is, regradless of it's huge megalomania army, a small country and with limited recources. To wage this "un-politically" led full war with slogans like: "You fight to win and to kill the enemy" would mean years of devoting and that would ruin the entire economy of Israel. The hatred towards Israel would increase among the neighbours, Palestinians extremegroups would be solidar towards their comrades and wage similar war (tough bit uneffectiv than) that hezbollah is doing inside Israel. Superpowers have almoust fallen their doom in that sort of scenarios, what makes you think Israel could achive in it??
What's the best way to win a devoted enemy fighting with gurrelian warfare??, medicin and basic humarights to the ones that support the gurrelians...Why there isen't similar wars flaming in Baskilands and Northern Ireland?? Becouse the normal people have far better change of everyday living and they have no need to support extremist..
So as much as I may have against politcans who starts wars in general, in this situation I must confess that they least have some sense left in them...