The Middle East War-Winners, Losers, Results


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You have to consider other factors than just the pure military actions. If Israel would have attacked there with full power, Even the inpotent EU would have done something, and even USA would have had to react. As much as they allow killingstreams, even they have the limits for operations like that. Not to mention about what would have Syria or Iran had done If IDF would tryed to invade Lebanon entirely.

But if we play along the mindgame, where generals (gathered in their black masses:p ) would have had free hands to conduct the operation, still the IDF would have not succeeded as well they might have toughted. Against gurelliawarfare, you just cannot win, if the enemy keeps fighting. Look what happened in Vietnam, In Agfanistan (with soviets) and now in Iraq...Yeas the IDF can invade entire Lebanon, but they cannot prevent constant casualities, they woundn't be able to prevent the Hezbollahs operations, and ultimately, they would have to withdraw, like happened in Vietnam, in Agfanistan and will happen in Iraq.

Israel is, regradless of it's huge megalomania army, a small country and with limited recources. To wage this "un-politically" led full war with slogans like: "You fight to win and to kill the enemy" would mean years of devoting and that would ruin the entire economy of Israel. The hatred towards Israel would increase among the neighbours, Palestinians extremegroups would be solidar towards their comrades and wage similar war (tough bit uneffectiv than) that hezbollah is doing inside Israel. Superpowers have almoust fallen their doom in that sort of scenarios, what makes you think Israel could achive in it??

What's the best way to win a devoted enemy fighting with gurrelian warfare??, medicin and basic humarights to the ones that support the gurrelians...Why there isen't similar wars flaming in Baskilands and Northern Ireland?? Becouse the normal people have far better change of everyday living and they have no need to support extremist..

So as much as I may have against politcans who starts wars in general, in this situation I must confess that they least have some sense left in them...


Junior Member
VIP Professional
I think many militaries are now unreasonably constrained in this day of policital correctness and bleeding heart thought of you cant kill civilians. In the past before mass media insurgents were fought and defeated. I think methods of fighting the ways of general Pershing need to be re-instated. I think carrot and stick will work. BUT you need to use one giant STICK that causes so much fear that the enemy is forced to go towards the carrot

Analogically, the guerrilla fights the war of the flea, and his military enemy suffers the dog's disadvantages. too much to defend, too small, ubiquitous, and agile an enemy to come to grips with. If the war continues long enough--this is the theory--the dog succumbs to exhaustion and anemia without ever having found anything on which to close its jaws or to rake with its claws.

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Junior Member
I am just amazed that people really think IDF was "constrained". First there were more sorties which were flown than some of the major wars anywhere else on planet. Israeli Cheif of staff clearly said we will turn back time 20 years ....thats very clear indication of targeting infrastructure and they did just that. If anyone thinks IDF should have used Jerichos and launched nukes then i think IDF doesn't deserve to exist. For 2000 Guerellas they sent 10000 troops which then increased to 20000+. In cabinet meetings broad offensive was approved for IDF .I counted such approval given atleast 3 times(not just a lil bit increase in offensive). IDF was clearly given mandate to go up to Litani river.They could have swept into every village instead sitting outside and leveling every house to ground using artillery. How is that restraint??It is just something that they choose to do , becuase of their consideration for their casualties not because of any humanitarian reasons. Heck they don't think twice hitting blue UN flag or kids just because they had thrown the leaflets (after destroying roads and bridges which make it impossible for civillians to flee)

And whoever thinks Israel could have used nukes and gotten away with it is in total illusion. That would be telling 1 billion muslims from east to west to rally against Israel like never before. Time was against Israel this time round. From the very begining and they should have known it better. I mean most people even on this forum were telling the exact same outcome we saw except for few who were still vouching for IDF and it's flatten the infrastructure tactics with artillery(and avoid Hizbollah :p ) because it is a "war".
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The Capitalist
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On the face of it I doubt if I could add anything that has not already been said many times already and the laurel leaves go to Hezbollah.

However, there is just one thing that bothers me and makes we wonder if everything is quite as it seems. The primary loser is in fact the Olmerts commitment for unilateral withdrawel from large parts of the West Bank, a policy never in favour with hardliners in the military or indeed from the settlers who; one will presume make a sizeable contribution to the IDF reservist forces.

One wonders if the IDF was indeed fighting quite as hard as normally they have been expected to have done?


VIP Professional
The Israeli's strategtic objective, is to force the Lebanese army to deploy south, and take control in place of Hezbollah. That way, if Hezbollah launch rockets at Israel in the future, the Israel government can deal with the Lebanese government face to face on the issue.

The first point of this objective has been achieved. However at this time we don't know if the Lebanese military can really (or even willing) put restraints on the Hezbollah. On this point we'll still have to wait and see.

Military, I think the Israelis know they're pretty screwed from the beginning. They can invade and conquer territory, but not bear the cost and burden of extended occupation. To put it bluntly, they cannot win the hearts and minds of the people, who are more likely to support the Hezbollah to bleed the IDF dry. So the best they can hope for is to drag the Lebanese army in to do their job.


Junior Member
At the expense of making a political statement, however it must be mentioned that the 'losers' were the civillians who died for no fault of theirs. Over 900 civillians died in Lebanon and 100 Israeli civillians were killed.

If in terms of area occupied and economic damage rendered, then Israel was the so-termed "winner".

I may use informal speech here :-

However, STICTLY from a military point of view, I have utmost respect for the resilence of the Hezbollah fighting constantly and not giving up against the Israeli Goliath of laser-guided munitions delivered by F-16 Sufas, and artillery led by the formidable Merkava tanks.

Hezbollah's attacks were :
1) Consistent-->No matter how many sorties were made by F-16s, Israel was given a daily dose of 150 rockets on an average.

2) Well Planned-->They knew that Israel might invade Lebanon and conduct bombings. The supply, locations, redeployment and management of their logistics is a TEXT-BOOK study for any student of military history.

3) Very objective-->No matter how much diplomatic pressure was put by USA, UN, EU and others, there was no change in the planning, objectives to be achieved and daily tactics and operations of the Hezbollah.

It may be said that Hezbollah recieved covert military assistance from Iran and Syria, but yet one can imagine resisting attacks and maintaining positions against F-16s, Apaches and Merkavas in the backdrop of international condemnation with only Zelzal rockets and anti-tank missiles.
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New Member
It seemed that Israel won the war. Hezbollah received massive deaths during the war with Israel, though they remained strong with the powerful rockets and missiles they shot at the Israelis. However, Israeli forces seemed to keep their military edges. They're artillery power and airforce gave Hezbollah and Lebanon continous injuries and deaths, but the infantry and armor divisions had the hellhouse out of it.

To me, no one has victory in the war. It was settled internationally by France and US through the UN.

Though it was a wonder to me why the US didn't jump in the war to aid Israel. Probably they don't want to mess with any more terrorist organizations...


Junior Member
VIP Professional
well it looks like the cease fire may hold for now. Much to the dismay of Iran. speaking of Iran. check out
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it is a hypothitcal war with Iran. pretty cool.

Finn McCool

Registered Member
Indian Fighter was right. Hezbollah fought quite well using tactics very similar to the Viet Cong. At a very tactical level, the fought conventionally. This would be contrasted with the Iraqi Insurgents. The insurgents rarely actually fight the US Army. They use IEDs and car bombs. Hezbollah fought much more like the Viet Cong, hitting the Israelis in ambushes and firefights on their own terms. At a strategic level though, they used classic guerilla strategy by keeping up offensive action and not oming to grips with the IDF on its terms.
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Senior Member
^ Then the question becomes, can the Iraqis or the Taliban learn anything from Hezbollah? Is it impossible to duplicate Hezbollah's tactics in the deserts of Iraq? (Although it seems Afghanistan may be more suitable.)

Also, you have in Lebanon both Shia and Sunni uniting against a common foe. Could this stimulate an unnatural alliance in Iraq too?