If the rebel themselves refused the offers there's little can be done, and anything else would backfire very badly. Unfortunately, at that time was the golden hour to intervene. Now the momentum is with Gaddafi's forces, it's a matter of time for the rebels to be crushed and unless the west mount a full-scale military intervention themselves, it's like trying to stem a coming tsunami tide.It didn't even need to be military aid. I think the most important part is that the West was once again, blinded by its ideology. Read any news article from Western media in the early days of the Libyan revolution. Every single one of them was convinced that Gaddafi was "finished". The rebels had taken over more than half the country, and the West thought that the rebels could handle Gaddafi by themselves. Unfortunately, so did the rebels.
The rebels, being a bunch of idealistic civilians, could be excused for such optimism. Western politicians and military leaders, on the other hand, are inexcusable. This kind of development should have been foreseen since the very first time Gaddafi started employing force, and contingency plans should have been made, and advisors and diplomats should have been sent to the Libyan rebels to try to forge a united and organized front.
Instead, the Libyan rebels were left largely to themselves, wallowing in their delusions of grandeur, before harsh reality brutally blind-sided them.
Of course, there is another possibility for the West's behavior: that they were only paying lip-service to supporting Libyan democracy, that what they were ultimately interested in was Libya's oil, and the stability that Gaddafi provided. Of course, if that was their intention, then it's going to work out badly for them. Nobody likes two-faces, and I seriously doubt Gaddafi is going to be very cooperative with the West once he regains power.
Then again, if Gaddafi proves reticent to work with the West, then we might actually see an armed intervention after all...
Whoa, that's obvious is it not, thought everyone know that already. And don't think sanction would work on Gaddafi - many sanctions have been levelled at he and his regime yet they survived to this day. Remember: rulers like Gaddafi are survivor type in Darwinian scope of things, he knows too well who to work with to stay above the water...the last sanction pass by the Security Council (with full votes) is more like a spanking of sort, ultimately they'd have to make deals with Gaddafi to get Libya's oil export again ASAP to knock down the crude oil price.