Latest things first thing this morning.
Thousands gather and send two messages to the terrorists:
"Je suis Charlie!" (I am Charlie)
"Not Afraid"
I am proud of these French. God bless them.
Over night, there are reports of the two terrorist brothers being seen in the North of France. They are still un-caught and are apparently trying to exit the country.
The alleged drive of the vehicle, an 18-year old, has apparently turned himself in and is being questioned.
Another shootout occurred in France overnight killing one police officer. It is not clear yet if that is related.
On cell phone videos and from witnesses, the two attackers told people as they left that they had killed the editor, and that they were a part of Al Queda in Yemen. One of the two brothers had recently been released from prison after spending 18 months in jail on terrorism charges. That same brother was featured a few years ago on a French TV station as an aspiring rap artist.
I know this, the French will respond. You can expect that any terror organization remotely related to this attack will be on the receiving in of French precision guided munitions and/or French special forces.