This was a dastardly attack in Paris by radicalised jihadists. This problem will be very difficult to solve as long as opportunities for excuses/justifications are given to terrorists to carry out their murderous acts in the name of their extreme religious beliefs. In several democratic countries, the right to criticise/lampoon politicians & leaders by the media is acceptable, and the repercussions range from that being mild to moderate. However, care should be taken in respect to sensitivities related to issues of race, culture and religion. We have witnessed racial riots etc. happening in recent times. Criticising religious beliefs or making fun of some prophets could continue to invite deadly responses by extremists. Even the moderate followers of Islam, Buddhism et al, would "cringe" (although not normally resorting to violence) if their deities, saints or god /s are made the butt of jokes & criticisms. The questions to ponder are: Should we be adamant & carry on as usual our openness in criticising all and sunder? Can we be realistic & sensitive as there are also moderate & law abiding religious believers? Do we understand cultural and religious diversities? Strong measures must be taken against the Paris jihadist killers ASAP, but for long-term peace among the multi-racial and religious communities, moderation is recommended.