What's the difference ?
Isis at best are 10,000 men?? Maybe more
That's like 0.0001% of overall muslim population out of 1.6 billion
I think your reasoning on the probable ratio is misleading because; (i) the impact of the terrorist act is disproportionate (Paris attack and 9/11); (ii) it does not include the likes of Boko Haram, Al Qaeda. et al that share similar ideologies; (iii) it is just the tip of the ice berg supported by an even larger pool of sympathisers and (iv) such a perverse ideology is growing (not diminishing) and presents an existential threat to all
It is precisely the lack of push back from Muslim religious leaders against such radicalised ideology that has allowed oxygen into the system and gained traction with the likes of ISIL. I do understand the religion because I have studied it. I would limit my comments to say that the reluctance to call out such perverse ideology is intrinsically connected to the religion itself. Forum rules would not allow me to say further. I am more than happy to engage in a private conversation.No where does it preach violance in Quran infact it says no where does it say anything against other religions especially respect those people of the book Christians and Jews
Even you are not allowed to cut down trees ones bearing fruit if you take enemy positions in war in according to real proper Islam
You are strictly forbidden to damage irrigation systems too
So Condem what ? Actions of the few ? There's nothing to talk against
If these guys decided on their own version of Islam due to circumstance or whatever we need to change that circumstance
The madrasahs schools and even institutions your talking about are funded and supported by mainly one country, that is Saudi Arabia
It's like capturing all the people who do drugs and say you are fighting drug trafficking !? You have to go after the drug dealer to tackle the issue not the addicted people
Saudi funds the money to spread Wahabbi ideology which directly has been linked to terrorism, 9/11 yet no one has raised a single question about that funding
So no, no mosques should be questioned no Muslims should condemn this act, if you want to tackle it tackle the source, CIA and MI5 had a hand in setting up these schools in Northern Pakistan during the 1980s so they can be the first to apologise
This all funding of madrasahs started in 1980s to fighting the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, Soviet Union is gone as are the Mujahideen but the second generation Mujahideen or even 3rd generation are still behind funded
Saudi Arabia is the de facto head of the Sunni faith. As leader and with the resources, it is quite natural that it funds the madrasahs because they are simply religious schools. It is no different from the many Christian religious schools in the US and here in Australia. Blaming the existence of such schools is frankly avoiding responsibility and not confronting the problem. Schools don't create problems. It is what is taught within it that can do good or evil. So please stop blaming the people for setting up the schools. Deal with the teachings in these schools. The problem I see it is always some one else fault.
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