I really do not have to read whole your post to find errors.
1. TC2, the public records are 200 against 130 fighters from years ago. The production stopped? According to sources, yes due to the switch to other missiles but no confirmation.
Sorry but I find that your own posts is full of errors.
According to someone who posted in TDF, Taiwan imported 200 seekers from Motorola. The seekers were actually Motorola's contenders to the AMRAAM contract, which Raytheon eventually won.
There is no switch to other missiles, plain and simple. The only question is whether Taiwan is able to copy the seekers.
2. MICA, wrong number since even the total number of missiles imported was not confirmed by any official and most of the numbers reported were in 900 to 1200 range. Also there were no records indicating how many of them were MICA or Magic 2.
Nonsense. You really don't know the armstrade do you? By UN arms treaty, exporters are obliged to declare the number. There is no number indicating higher than 400 for the MICA.
3. AIM-120, not accurate again. There were at least two shipment to make the public reported number to more than 200. Please remember, ROCAF's F-16 fleet is still under going major upgrade to use AIM-120 and, possibly, JDAM.
Wrong and wrong and wrong. Who do you think you're talking to? There is no shipment indicating over 200 in number. The only order was for 120 AMRAAMs, and they were not immediately delivered. Some were stored in Luke AFB for visiting ROCAF F-16 pilots to test. The majority was stored in Guam. In October 2004, as the US was convinced that China had significant amounts of ARH BVRAAM, was the missiles allowed to be sent to Taiwan.
And no, there is upgrade project on the ROCAF F-16 to use JDAM.
You also don't even know your own F-16s. The ROCAF F-16s came with AMRAAM support in the first place. There was a modification to enable them to use the C5 version, but there are is no concrete plans being implemented to enable them to use C7, which requires another upgrade.
Only recently did Taiwan sign up for a second order of 237 AMRAAMs.
Since I read posts here, I wonder you would like a balance voices with comparable facts or just one side of stories?
I had chace to chat with a friend from China who has lots experience with military information over there. I asked him about the 100 upgrade kits you mentioned and he said he never heard of it. Also according to the experience with China's local forum, if this is true, there would be tons of posts against or brag about it.
Sorry but Chinese do not brag about the Russian stuff. And I would wager your so called Chinese source against Jane's Senior Editor Robert Hewson, who wrote both articles, and who can talk to the Russian manufacturers directly. You don't become a Senior Editor in Jane's for nothing.
There are quite a number of posts that does say the J-11 has upgraded avionics, having more powerful processors, for example, without stating way. And it is photographically proven that the J-11 has a second MFD, compared to the generic Su-27. External photographs show the presence of a black box consistent to this MFD under the windshield. In the year 2000, KANWA also reported Su-27UBK arriving in China at that time had software upgrades for R-77 and these planes too have the box under the windshield.
If you understand the architecture of the N001, N001VE/VEP radars used on these planes, what the Russians did was to install a seperate subsystem called SUV-VE on top of the existing radar to support the R-77.
However, there is no thing like this spreading as other news like J-10. Also, AWST published an article in 2004 (I think) ablut passive R27. In that article it also mentioned that the production no of R77 was couple hundered. So, plus those export customers' interview, I wonder the number here is way way too high. Plus, China is going to have PL-12, why purchase R77? That's not what their usual wisdom.
Lol. In 2003, KANWA mentioned the production of R-77 was speeded up to meet quotas for both India and China. Why purchase R-77? It is for the MKKs, MK2s and partly for the J-11 upgrades. China would definitely purchase enough R-77s for the MKK/MK2s since they cannot modify these planes. The J-11s they can defer to using PL-12. 1000 R-77s would be enough for the 100 MKKs/MK2s, but not if another 100 J-11s were to make use of it, which would require another order of 1000.
It is not as if both MKK/MK2s, Su-27s and J-11s are not capable of using the R-27ER, which is the extended range R-27, that is already documented (SIPRI, arms registry) and photographed in PLAAF service. Although it remains SARN, the kinematic performance of the R-27ER exceeds even that of the R-77. In addition to all that, arms registry records indicate as much 3200 R-73s were imported by China.