Why does everyone assume Taiwan would target Chinese population centers?
Hi Walter, I would ask why everyone assumes the DPP would be able to get this or any other other measure through the KMT dominated DUMA.
As for the rest of you:
I have no doubt, but all but the most extreme minority of Pro Independance supporters have realised that President Chen,s recent warnings and outbursts are the ravings of a Lame Duck President and that the DPP are a party with nothing to say and nowhere to go. The best they can offer is Isolation and Marginalisation, the worst War and Hostile Invasion.
I realise that many Taiwanese will not be prepared to admit this yet in public, but after spending a long dark night of the soul are now admitting this to themselves.
Ultimately what is 500 conventional Cruise Missiles but just 500 bombs. In WW2 Air Raids of 500 bombs often failed to warrent reporting in the news.
What would 500 bombs do to a big city like Shanghai? Nothing that China would not be able to repair within a year and nothing that would halt the business and development of that city.
What would 500 bombs do to a Military concentration across the straits? Delay it perhapse, cause some damage and temporary bottlenecks. What did the V1's and V2's aimed at the allied Beacheads of Normandy and the Ports of Southern England do to stop the liberation of Europe in 1944?
China's missiles pointing at Taiwan are only significant as; if used, it would knock out Taiwans defences long enough for landings to commence. What follow up would Taiwan attempt against the Fujianese coast?
Ultimately its pointless, this is why the KMT will vote the missile measures out, this is why the KMT will win all forthcoming elections culminating with the Presidential elections in 2008, this is why the KMT and CCP will rerach an accord and commence a process of reconciliation.
Trust me, there is not going to be a Armed Invasion of Taiwan:coffee: